Friday Feb. 3, 2006

The Practice Quiz was returned in class today.  You'll find answers to the Practice Quiz here.  The Optional Assignment turned in last Wednesday will be returned next Monday.  You'll find answers here.

vertical forces on air parcels, rising and sinking air

Air in the atmosphere behaves like a balloon. A change in temperature causes air density to change in order to keep pressure inside and outside the balloon equal.  We will now look at the forces acting on a parcel or balloon of air.  There are two forces: gravity and an upward pointing pressure difference force.  When the air inside a parcel of balloon is exactly the same as the air outside the two forces are of equal strength.  Because they point in opposite directions, they cancel each other out and the parcel remains stationary.

If the balloon is filled with warm, low density air the gravity force will weaken (there is less air in the balloon so it weighs less). The upward pressure difference force (which depends on the surrounding air) will not change.  The upward force will be stronger than the downward force and the balloon will rise. 

Conversely if a balloon is filled with cold low density air, gravity will strengthen and the balloon will sink.

demonstration of Charles law and free convection

A balloon filled with helium (normally less dense than the air surrounding the balloon) was dunked in liquid nitrogen.  This cooled the balloon and caused its volume to decrease.  This raised the density of the helium inside the balloon enough that the balloon was denser than the surrounding air.  When placed on the table the helium balloon just sat there, it didn't rise.  The helium quickly started to warm.  This increased the balloon volume and lowered the density.  Eventually the density of the helium again became lower than the density of the surrounding air.  The balloon lifted off the table and floated up to the top of the classroom.

Now we will change topics completely.  The figure below is found on the left hand side of p. 17 in the photocopied class notes.
natural formation and destruction of stratospheric ozone

Molecular oxygen (O2) is split by UV light.  One of the two atoms of oxygen can react with unsplit oxygen to make ozone.  Ozone is destroyed when it absorbs UV light.  The O3 molecule is split into O and O2.  Note O3 can also react with O to make 2 molecules of O2.  This is another natural process of destruction for ozone.

In the stratosphere an equilibrium would become established where the rates of formation and destruction were equal.  The ozone concentration would not change.  As we will see, man has added additional processes of destruction that upset the natural equilibrium.  Adding new processes of destruction will cause the ozone concentration to decrease somewhat.

why is the ozone layer found above the ground

In middle latitudes, the optimal combination of UV light and molecular oxygen are found near 25 km altitude.  This is where peak ozone concentrations are found.
harmful effects of UV light

If the concentration of ozone in the ozone layer were to decrease, increased amounts of UV light would make it to the ground.  Some of the hazards associated with UV light exposure are given above.
man-caused destruction of stratospheric ozone

Nitric oxide (NO) such as would be emitted by the jet engines in supersonic aircraft can destroy ozone.  So can chlorine coming from CFC molecules.

In the troposphere CFC molecules are stable and unreactive.  They can remain in the atmosphere for 50 to 100 years.  This gives them time to drift upward into the stable stratosphere.  There the CFC molecules are exposed to more intense UV light.  This breaks atoms of free chlorine off the CFC molecule.  One Cl atom can react with and destroy 100,000 ozone molecules before being removed somehow from the stratosphere.

CFCs and ozone destruction

CFC molecules released in the troposphere can slowly drift upward into the stratosphere.  Then, as we have seen, chlorine (split off the CFC molecules by intense UV light) can react with and destroy ozone.  Sometimes the Cl reacts with some other compound in the stratosphere (such as NO2).  This is an "interference reaction", it interferes with chlorine's ability to destroy ozone.  Sometimes the chlorine will be removed from the atmosphere altogether (clouds and precipitation are the best way of doing this).
global warming is not caused by thinning of the ozone layer

A common misconception is that thinning of the ozone layer is the cause of global warming. 

Part of the reason for this is that CFCs are both greenhouse gases and capable of destroying ozone.  The destruction of ozone allows more UV radiation to reach the ground.  It would seem logical that this additional UV light would warm the surface.  However there isn't much UV in sunlight in the first place.  If an extra little bit of what already is a small amount of energy reaches the ground it isn't going to cause much warming.  The concern over this additional UV light is that it can cause skin cancer, cataracts, etc.

WHen we get to Chapter 2 in this course (and we will eventually), we will see that the greenhouse effect involves the propagation of IR (infrared) light, not UV light, back and forth between the ground and the atmosphere.

the following information wasn't covered in class.
the ozone hole

The ozone hole is a seasonal drop in ozone layer concentrations above Antarctica.  The "hole" forms around October every year. 
causes of the ozone hole