One Side of One Page (1S1P) Assignments Page

Assignment #3
(due dates: Thu. Apr. 13 & Thu. Apr. 20)
Topic points possible 4th edition 3rd edition
Local Wind Systems
pps 170-181
pps 168-178 up to, but not including, Global Winds
Climatic Classification-
The Koppen System
pps 350-369
pps 346-367
Twinkling, Twilight, and the Green Flash
pps 409- 419
pps 405-415 up to, but not including, Coronas and Cloud Iridescence
You can write up to two reports.  If you do two reports, at least one of the reports must be turned in on the 1st due date (you can also turn both reports in on the first due date).  You can only turn in one report on the 2nd due date.

Assignment #2
(due date: Thurs., Mar. 2)

points possible
4th edition
3rd edition

Rising Air Cools & Sinking Air Warms
Atmospheric Stability*
p. 31 (Ch2)
pps 112-117 (Ch5)
p. 31
pps 110-115
Focus on a Special Topic
up to, but not including, Cloud
  Development and Stability
Why the Wind Blows
pps 150-153 (Ch6)
pps 147-151

Air Mass Classification
p. 203 (Ch8)
pps 212-219 (Ch8)
p. 199
pps 208-215
just the short "Classification" section
up to, but not including, Middle-Latitude
Global Wind Patterns and the Oceans
pps 189-197 (Ch7)
pps 187-192

You can turn in 0, 1, or 2 reports.  Please clearly identify the topic you are reporting on.  Remember 1S1P reports must be double spaced and must fit on one side of one page.  Reports should be your understanding and explanation of the material and should be written in your own words.. 
* Your report should briefly explain why rising air cools; explain stable and unstable equilibria; explain the difference between environmental, dry, and moist lapse rates; and examine the conditions that make the atmosphere stable, unstable, and conditionally unstable.

** You should concentrate on warm and cold fronts in your report.  You should describe the structures of warm and cold fronts and list the weather changes that would accompany the approach and passage of a warm and cold front.

Assignment #1
(due date: Tue. Jan. 31)
points possible
4th edition 3rd edition

Air Pollution,

Acid Deposition

pps 318-325
pps 337-339
pps 314-321
pps 333-335
up to, but not including, Ozone in the Stratosphere
up to the end of chapter summary
Ozone in the Stratosphere
The Ozone Hole
pps 325-327
p. 330
pps 321-323
p. 324
up to, but not including, Air Pollution: Trends and Patterns
The Earth's Changing Climate

pps 374-380
pps 372-376
up to, but not including, Possible Causes of Climatic Change

You can turn in 0, 1, or 2 reports.  Please clearly identify the topic you are reporting on.  Remember 1S1P reports must be double spaced and must fit on one side of one page.  See the Writing Requirements link for a detailed list of rules.

Credit for 1S1P reports will make up about 50% of your writing grade and your writing grade has the same weight as a quiz.  Your goal should be to earn 45 1S1P points, the maximum allowed, by the end of the semester.  If you write two reports as part of this assignment and two reports on the next assignment you should be able to earn 45 1S1P points by the middle of the semester.  You might prefer not to do any reports as part of this assignment and to try to earn 45 1S1P points on assignments that come later in the semester.  The choice is yours. There will be at least two more 1S1P assignments later in the semester.