Textbook Reading Assignments

Date of Assignment
4th Edition
3rd Edition

Thu., Apr. 13
Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, and Lightning (Ch. 10) pps 257-290 pps 253-285
Tue., Apr. 11
Thermal Circulations
Sea and Land Breezes
Global Winds
(Ch. 7) pps 170-173
pps 181-186
pps 168-171
pps 178-184

up to, but not including, Westerly Winds and the Jet Stream
Tue., Apr. 11
Why  the Wind Blows
Newton's Laws of Motion
Forces that cause winds
(Ch. 6) pps 150-153
pps 147-151
Thu., Mar. 30
Types of Precipitation
Measuring Precip. (Ch. 5)
pps 127-137 pps 126-135
Tue., Mar. 28
Satellite Photographs
Precipitation Processes (Ch. 5)

pps 121-127

pps 119-126
pps 99-100 in photocopied notes

Thu., Mar. 23
Dew, Frost, Fog (Ch. 4)
Clouds (Ch. 4)
pps 89-96
pps 96-108
pps 86-93
pps 93-105

Tue., Mar. 21
Humidity (Ch. 4) pps 78-89 pps 76-86 up to, but not including, the section Dew and Frost
Thu., Mar. 2
Why the Earth has Seasons
pps 42-51
pps 42-50

Tue., Feb. 28
Energy balance cont'd
pps 39-42
pps 39-42
up to, but not including, the section Why the Earth has Seasons.
Thu., Feb. 23
Absorption, emission of radiation
Radiative equilibrium
pps 34-38
pps 34-39

Thu., Feb. 23
Electromagnetic Radiation
pps 31-34
pps 31-34

Tue., Feb. 21
Controls of Temperature
pps 63-64
pps 60-62
Chapter 3 (an online version is available if you are purchasing individual chapters as they are needed)
Tue., Feb. 21
Energy, Temperature, Energy Transport
pps 26-30
pps 26-30
beginning of Chap. 2
Thu., Feb. 9
Surface and Upper Air Charts
pps 148-149
pps 146-147
see also pps 115-119 in photocopied notes
Tue., Feb. 7
Weather Symbols and the Station Model
pps 431-432
pps 427-428

Tue., Feb. 7
Weather and Climate
pps 13-22
pps 13-21

Thu., Feb. 2
Stratospheric Ozone and the Ozone Hole
pps 325-327,
p. 330
pps 321-323,
p. 324
up to, but not including, Air Pollution Trends
   and Patterns
Tue., Jan. 24
Atmospheric Pressure
pps 141-148
pps 139-146
up to, but not including, Surface and Upper-Level Charts
Thu., Jan. 19
Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere
pps 8-13
pps 7-12
up to the Brief Review
Tue., Jan. 17
Air Pollutants
pps 317-325
pps 313- 321
up to, but not including, Stratospheric Ozone
Thu., Jan. 12
Composition of the Atmosphere
pps 1-7
pps 1-7
up to the Brief Review on p. 7

Note: begin at the bottom and move upward.  Most recent addition(s) are highlighted in yellow