Experiment #3 Solar Irradiance

X Rob Bonelli #54
X Lorenzo Chavez #60
John Cody #46 (4/11) (returned materials)
Graciela Dalton #66
X Justin Dawley #8
X Daniel DeLaHuerta #11 (4/11)
X Monica Dudley #90
X Miriam Frieden #92
X Jeffry Gardner #62
Bina Gold
X Jeff Guba #52
X Jennifer Guida #44
X Amanda Hines #48
Eloise Johnson #50
Kirscheimer #74
X Tyrell Lane #52
X Jamie Levinson #10
X Vanessa Loya #82
X Jennifer Meeks #22 (4/11) returned materials
X Nidia Munoz #78

X Jeremy-Quang Nguyen #80

X Rick Olson #62 (4/11) returned materials
X Melissa Osteen #68
X David Pursley #72
X Matthew Reiter #46
X Holly Swift #40
X Laura Urtubey #2
X Kelly Waddell #22

Materials were distributed in class for the first time on Thu., Mar. 2. 

Take advantage of the clear sunny weather that is forecast for the next few days to collect your data (collect your data on a day with calm winds near midday when the incoming sunlight is most intense).  Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information sheet for this experiment.  Your name turns blue when you have returned your materials.

Reports are due on Tue., Mar. 21.  The due date was extended to Thu. Mar. 23.  An X in front of your name means I have received your report.

Names in red picked up their materials late and have some extra time to prepare their reports (due dates are in parentheses)

Reports turned in by Thu., Mar. 23 were returned on Tue., Mar. 28.  Revised reports will be due Tue., Apr. 11.