Experiment #3 - Solar Irradiance

Joshua Anderson #10
X Astrid Arias #50

X As'ad Bahbah #62
X Brook Baldwin #8
X Mohadev Bhattacharyya #74
X Tyler Burk #80
X Alexis Clayton #84
X Joe Cooperman #22
X Gurpreet Dhaliwal #44
X Eric Durham #90
X Max Fleischman #68
X Stephanie Greer #10
X Susie Haupstein #80
X Eric Humphreys #82
X Kelsey Laird #6
X Rachele Long #78
X Chaz Loscavio #40

X Jaclyn McCabe #54
X Justin Meisel #60
X Elizabeth Murphy #86

X Erica Nannini #2
X John Peach #46
X Lacey Petterson #82
X Andrew Pine #66
X Anna Roig #52
X John Simes #72
X Grant Speer #4
X Ashley Stewart #24
X David Tamayo #48
X Adam Valencia #42
X Marcos Valencia #92

Materials were distributed for the first time on Wednesday Feb. 28.

You can learn a little bit more about Expt. #3 here.

Your name will turn blue when you have returned your materials.

Reports are due Monday March 26.    An X in front of your name means I have received your report. 

Graded reports were returned Mon., Apr. 2.  Revised reports are due by Mon., Apr. 16.  Please turn in your original report when (if) you turn in a revised report.