Monday Feb. 12, 2007

Photocopies of the Quiz #1 Study Guide and answers to the most recent optional assignment were distributed in class.  Both are also available online.  Remember that Quiz #1 this Wednesday will also cover material on the Practice Quiz Study Guide.

The semester is about 1 month old and we have managed to finish Chapter 1 in the textbook.  It is time to move on to Chapter 2.

Here is a brief introduction (found on pps 43-44 in the photocopied Class Notes) to the some of the things we will cover in Chapter 2; we may run into a lot of confusing concepts and details in Chapter 2 and may
lose sight of our overall objectives.

An enormous amount of sunlight energy reaches the earth everyday (the green arrows in the figure above).  We will learn how it is possible for this form of energy to travel through empty space.  We are aware of this sunlight energy because we can see it (at least some of it) and we can feel it (you get warm when you stand in the sunlight).  With all of this energy arriving at and being absorbed by the earth, what keeps the earth from getting hotter and hotter?  The answer is that the earth also sends energy back into space (the orange and pink arrows in the figure, travelling from the earth and the atmosphere into space).  This infrared light is an invisible form of energy; we don't usually feel it either).  A balance between incoming and outgoing energy is achieved and the earth's annual average temperature remains constant.

We will also look closely at energy transport between the earth's surface and the atmosphere.  That is where the atmospheric greenhouse operates.  That will be a major goal in Chapter 2 - to understand the atmospheric greenhouse effect.

Water vapor is a particularly important form of invisible energy.  When water vapor condenses to produce the water droplets (or ice crystals) in a cloud, an enormous amount of energy is released into the atmosphere.

It is hard to visualize or appreciate energy released into the atmosphere during condensation.  You can imagine the work that you would do carrying a gallon of water (8 pounds) from Tucson to the top of Mt. Lemmon.  To accomplish the same thing Mother Nature must first evaporate the water and (if my calculations are correct) that requires about 100 times the energy that you would use to carry the 8 pounds of water to the summit of Mt. Lemmon.  And Mother Nature transports a lot more than just a single gallon.

Kinetic energy is energy of motion.  Latent heat energy is an unappreciated form of energy.

The four energy transport processes are listed at the bottom of the page above.  By far the most important process is electromagnetic radiation (light is a common form of electromagnetic radiation).  This is the only process that can transport energy through empty space.  Electromagnetic radiation is also responsible for about 80% of the energy transport between the ground and atmosphere.  You might be surprised to learn that latent heat is the second most important transport process.

One of the main objectives in Chapter 2 is to understand the greenhouse effect.

I've taken the information on p. 45 in the photocopied notes and split it into two parts. 

When you add energy to an object, the object will usually warm up.  Below we work out the equation that connects energy added and the resulting temperature change.  The equation can also be used when energy is removed from an object.  In that case the object will cool.

When you add energy to something the temperature change will depend on how much energy was added.  So delta E is in the numerator of the equation.  When you add equal amounts of energy to a small pan of water and to a large pan of water, the small pan will heat up more quickly.  The temperature change, delta T, will depend on the mass.  A large mass will mean a small delta T, so mass should go in the denominator of the equation.   Different materials react differently when energy is added to them.  A material with a large specific heat will warm more slowly than a material with a small specific heat.  Specific heat behaves in the same kind of way as mass.  Specific heat is sometimes called "thermal mass."

An object will usually warm when you add energy to it.  But there is another possibility (mentioned at the bottom of the figure).  The object could change phase.  Adding energy to ice might cause the ice to melt.  Adding energy to liquid nitrogen could cause the nitrogen to evaporate and turn into nitrogen gas.

Here's an example that shows the effect of specific heat.  Equal amounts of energy (note that calories are units of energy) are added to equal amounts of water and dirt.  We use water and dirt in the example because most of the earth's surface is either water or dirt. Water has a higher specific heat than soil, it only warms up 5 C.  The soil warms up 20 C.

We did a short experiment in class.  The object of the experiment was to measure the latent heat of vaporization of liquid nitrogen.  That just means measuring the amount of energy needed to evaporate a gram of liquid nitrogen.  The students that are doing Experiment #2 are measuring the latent heat of fusion of ice, the energy needed to melt one gram of ice.

First we will make use of the Delta T vs Delta E equation (see lower left corner in the picture above).  Rather than solving for Delta T we will rearrange the equation and solve for Delta E.

We poured 156 grams of water into a styrofoam cup and measured its temperature (17 C).  Then we weighed out 33 grams of liquid nitrogen into a second cup and poured it into the cup of water (after having removed the thermometer).  We waited until all the liquid nitrogen had evaporated and remeasured the temperature of the water.

It takes energy to turn liquid nitrogen into gaseous nitrogen.  The needed energy came from the water.  When energy is removed from the water the water cools (to 5 C).  By measuring how much the water cooled and knowing how much water we had we can calculate how much energy was given up by the water.  That is the 1872 calorie figure above.  This was used to evaporate 33 grams of liquid nitrogen.  So 56.7 calories was needed per gram.  That is our measured value.  The know value is 48 cal/g, so our measurement was reasonably close to the known value (the experiment worked a little better in the Tuesday morning class, we measured 52.5 calories/gram.