Fri., Jan. 19, 2007

We began class with a quick look at the forecast for this weekend provided by the Tucson National Weather Service website.  You can access NWS web pages for other locations in the US by going to

There is a chance of rain beginning to night and extending through the beginning of the weekend.  We also looked at infrared satellite photographs of moisture and clouds streaming into Arizona from the SW and a low pressure center located off the California coast.

We'll be jumping back between stratospheric and tropospheric ozone today.

We'll eventually be making some photochemical smog as a class demonstration.  This will require ozone (and a hydrocarbon of some kind).  We'll use the simple stratospheric process for making ozone in the demonstration rather than the more complex tropospheric process.

In the stratosphere ozone is beneficial because it absorbs dangerous high-energy ultraviolet light.

Some of the serious hazards posed by ultraviolet light that manages to reach the ground are listed above (on p. 18 in the photocopied class notes).

Human activities add substances to the atmosphere that can potentially reduce ozone concentration in the ozone layer (which would result in increased exposure to UV light at the ground).  Chlorofluorocarbons now probably represent the greatest threat to the ozone layer.  The next figure shows how CFC compounds react with and destroy stratospheric ozone.

Because CFC molecules are normally very stable (it is hard to break the molecule apart) and unreactive, they can remain in the atmosphere a long time.  This gives them time to move into the stratosphere.  Once there UV light can break atoms of chlorine (Cl) off the CFC molecules.  This free chlorine can react with and destroy ozone (shown in Equation 1 above).  Note how chlorine reappears at the end of the two step reaction and can destroy additional ozone.

Sometimes the chlorine will react with other substances and will be removed from the atmosphere (Equation 2 above).

Now back to tropospheric ozone and photochemical smog.

At the top of this figure you see that a more complex series of reactions is responsible for the production of tropospheric ozone.  The production of tropospheric ozone begins with nitric oxide (NO).  NO is produced when nitrogen and oxygen are heated (in an automobile engine for exampe) and react.  The NO can then react with oxygen to make nitrogen dioxide, a poisonous brown-colored gas.  Sunlight can dissociate (split) the nitrogen dioxide molecule producing atomic oxygen (O) and NO.  O and O2 react (just as they do in the stratosphere) to make ozone (O3).  Because ozone does not come directly from an automobile tailpipe or factory chimney, but only shows up after a series of reactions, it is a secondary pollutant.   Nitric oxide would be the primary pollutant in this example.

NO is produced early in the day (during the morning rush hour).  The concentration of NO2 peaks somewhat later.  Peak ozone concentrations are usually found in the afternoon.  Ozone concentrations are also usually higher in the summer than in the winter.  This is because sunlight plays a role in ozone production and summer sunlight is more intense than winter sunlight.

As shown in the figure below, invisible ozone can react with a hydrocarbon of some kind which is also invisible to make a product gas.  This product gas sometimes condenses to make a visible smog cloud or haze.

The class demonstration of photochemical smog is summarized below (a flash was used instead of the aquarium shown on the bottom of p. 16 in the photocopied class notes).  We begin by using the UV lamp to fill the flask with ozone.  Then a few pieces of fresh lemon peel were added to the flask.  A whitish cloud quickly became visible (colored brown in the figure below).

The ozone hole that forms above the S. Pole every year around October was one of the first real indications that CFCs could react with and destroy stratospheric ozone.  Note that the ozone in the ozone layer doesn't disappear completely, rather the concentration drops significantly.  The ozone hole is only present for a couple of months every year.

The discussion above explains how extremely cold temperatures and an unusual wind pattern above the S. Pole in the winter are thought to create the ozone hole when the sun returns in the spring.  Basically a new series of reactions (that take place on the surface of cloud particles) interfere with the interference reactions.  The interference reactions would keep chlorine from reacting with and destroying ozone.  Interfering with those interference reactions again makes chlorine available to react with and destroy ozone.  Chlorine containing compounds build up during the winter and are able to destroy ozone once the sun returns in the spring.

One last but important point that I forgot to mention in class.

Many people think that thinning of the ozone layer and increased amounts of UV light reaching the ground is the cause of global warming.  This is NOT correct.  Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and enhancement of the greenhouse effect are the cause of global warming.