Wednesday Jan. 24, 2007

The Practice Quiz is Wednesday next week.  The Practice Quiz Study Guide is now available online.  The packet of old quizzes and an old final exam from a previous semester of this course are now available for purchase ($2.50).

As you move upward from the ground pressure decreases by 100 mb in both layers in the figure above.  Both layers contain the same amount of air (if you refer back to the previous figure you will find the a 100 mb drop when you go from sea level to Tucson - 10% of the air in the atmosphere lies between sea level and 3000 ft altitude in Tucson).  That air is found in a smaller volume in the figure at left (the layer is thinner).  This means the air at left is denser than the air at right.  The drop in air pressure in the layer at left occurs in a shorter vertical distance than in the air layer at right.  That is a more rapid rate of pressure decrease with distance than in the layer at right.

The rate of pressure decrease with altitude is higher in the dense air at left than in the lower density air at right.

This is a fairly subtle but important concept.  We will use it next week (or the week after) when we learn about troughs and ridges on upper level weather charts.  We will also use use this concept when we try to understand the intensification of hurricanes later in the semester.

You'll find most of the following on p. 29 in the photocopied class notes.

A manometer can be used to measure pressure difference.  The manometer is just a u-shaped tube usually made of glass so that you can see the liquid that is inside.  The liquid can slosh back and forth just like the pans on a balance can move up and down.  A manometer really behaves just like a pan balance.

In this picture the fact that the liquid levels are the same in the right and left tubes means P1 and P2 are the same (note you really don't know what P1 and P2 are, just that they are equal).

Now the situation is a little different, the liquid levels are no longer equal.  The red shaded portion of the liquid is the balance that we had in the previous picture.  The pressures at the levels of the two blue arrows are equal (the red shaded fluid is the balance).  P2 is not able by itself to balance P1, P2 is lower than P1.  P1 plus the pressure produced by the column of extra liquid on the right balances P1.  The height of the column of extra liquid provides a measure of the difference between P1 and P2.

We have changed the manometer by lengthening the right tube and sealing it off at the top.  Air pressure can't get into the right tube any more.  The balance is again shaded in orange at the bottom of the barometer.    Pair is equal to the pressure produced by the column of liquid on the right.  If Pair changes, the height of the column will change.  You now a way of measuring and monitoring the atmospheric pressure.

Barometers like this are usually filled with mercury.  Mercury is a liquid.  You need a liquid that can slosh back and forth in response to changes in air pressure.  Mercury is also dense which means the barometer won't need to be as tall as if you used something like water.  A water barometer would need to be over 30 feet tall.  With mercury you will need only a 30 inch tall column to balance the weight of the atmosphere at sea level under normal conditions (remember the 30 inches of mercury pressure units mentioned earlier).  Mercury also has a low rate of evaporation so you don't have much mercury gas at the top of the right tube.

Finally here is a more conventional barometer design.  The bowl of mercury is usually covered in such a way that it can sense changes in pressure but not evaporate and fill the room with poisonous mercury vapor.

Air pressure is a force that pushes downward, upward, and sideways.  The bottom person in the people pyramid below must push upward with enough force to support the other people.  The air pressure in the four tires on your automobile push down on the road (that's something you would feel if the car ran over your foot) and push upward with enough force to keep the 1000 or 2000 pound vehicle off the road.

The person on the bottom of the "people pyramid" must support the weight of all the people above.  People in the middle don't have to support as much weight.

Next we did a demonstration that reveals the existence of an upward point pressure force.  The demonstration is described on p. 35 in the photocopied class notes. 

We will look at what is going on in a little more detail.  First the case of a water balloon:

The figure at left shows air pressure (red arrows) pushing on all the sides of the balloon.  Because pressure decreases with increasing altitude, the pressure pushing downward on the top of the balloon is a little weaker (strength=14) than the pressure pushing upward at the bottom of the balloon (strength=15).  The two sideways forces cancel each other out.  The total effect of the pressure is a weak upward force (shown on the right figure, you might have heard this called a bouyant force).  Gravity exerts a downward force on the water balloon.  In the figure at right you can see that the gravity force (strength=10) is stronger than the upward pressure difference force (strength=1).  The balloon falls as a result. 

In the demonstration a wine glass is filled with water.  A small plastic lid is used to cover the wine glass.  You can then turn the glass upside down without the water falling out. 

All the same forces are shown again in the left most figure.  In the right two figures we separate this into two parts.  First the water inside the glass isn't feeling the downward and sideways pressure forces (because they're pushing on the glass).  Gravity still pulls downward on the water but the upward pressure force is able to overcome the downward pull of gravity.  The upward pointing pressure force is used to overcome gravity not to cancel out the downward pointing pressure force.

The demonstration was repeated using a 4 Liter flash (more than a gallon of water, more than 8 pounds of water).  The upward pressure force was still able to keep the water in the flask (much of the weight of the water is pushing against the sides of the flask which the instructor was supporting with his arms).