Wednesday Jan. 31, 2007

A new optional assignment was handed out in class today.  It is due one week from today on Wed., Feb. 7.

We will learn a little bit about the ideal gas law today before the Practice Quiz.  This is the first of three steps that will lead us to an understanding of why warm air rises and cold air sinks.

If you could look inside a balloon
you wouldn't see the inside of the balloon literally filled with air molecules as depicted above at right.  You would see that there was an enormously large number of gas molecules moving in random directions at 100s of MPH but you would find that most of the volume inside the balloon was empty space.  Air molecules colliding with the inside walls of the balloon push outward and keep the balloon inflated.

The ideal gas law equations tell us how variables like
the number of gas molecules,
the volume of the balloon, and
the density and temperature of the air
affect the pressure of the air in the balloon.

The pressure produced by the air molecules inside a balloon will first depend on how many air molecules are there.
If there weren't any air molecules at all there wouldn't be any pressure.  As you add more and more add to something like a bicycle tire, the pressure increases.  Pressure is directly proportional to N (an increase in N causes an increase in P).

Air pressure inside a balloon also depends on the size of the balloon.  Pressure is inversely proportional to volume, V (increasing V decreases P and vice versa).

Note it is possible to keep pressure constant by changing N and V together in just the right kind of way.  This is what happens in Experiment #1 that some of you are working on.  Oxygen in a graduated cylinder reacts with steel wool to form rust.  Oxygen is removed from the air sample which is a decrease in N.  As oxygen is removed, water rises up into the cylinder decreasing the air sample volume.  N and V both decrease in the same relative amounts and the air sample pressure remains constant.

Increasing the temperature of the gas in a balloon will cause the gas molecules to move more quickly.  They'll collide with the walls of the balloon more frequently and rebound with greater force.  Both will increase the pressure.

You shouldn't throw a can of spray paint into a fire.  The pressure of the gas inside a container depends on the gas temperature.  If the can gets hot enough, the buildup in pressure could cause the can to rupture.

Surprisingly the pressure does not depend on the mass of the molecules.  Pressure doesn't depend on the composition of the gas.  Gas molecules with a lot of mass will move slowly, the less massive molecules will move more quickly.  They both will collide with the walls of the container with the same force.

Here are the two ideal gas law equations.  You can ignore the constants k and R if you are just trying to understand how a change in one of the variables would affect the pressure.  You only need the constants when you are doing a calculation involving numbers.

(1) Pressure  = (Number of air molecules) multiplied by temperature divided by volume
(2) Pressure = (density) multiplied by (temperature)

The Expt. #1 people will use Eqn. (1) in their reports.  They should be thinking about what variables in the equation remain constant and which ones change.

Here is the ideal gas law animation
shown in class.  You can vary N, V, or T and see the effect on pressure.