Textbook Reading Assignments

Note: Start at the bottom and move up.  The most recent assignment is highlighted in yellow.
Date of Assignment
4th edition
3rd edition

Tue., Nov. 14
Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Lightning (Ch. 10)
pps 257-290
pps 253-286

Tue., Nov. 7
Thermal Circulations, Sea & Land Breezes (Ch. 7)
Global Winds
pps 170-173
pps 181-186
pps 168-171
pps 178-184

up to, but not including, Westerly Winds & the Jet Stream
Thu., Nov. 2
Why the Wind Blows (Ch. 6)
pps 150-158
pps 147-156
up to, but not including, Winds and Vertical Air Motions
Tue., Oct. 24
Precipitation Processes (Ch. 5)
pps 121-137
pps 119-135

Thu., Oct. 19
pps 96-108
pps 93-105

Thu., Oct. 19
Dew and Frost
pps 89-90
pps 86-87

Thu., Oct. 12
Humidity (Ch. 4)
pps 78-88
pps 76-86
up to, but not including, Dew and Frost
Tue., Sep. 26
Warming the Earth and Atmosphere (Ch. 2)
pps 25-42
pps 25-42

Thu., Sep. 21
Why the Earth has Seasons (Ch. 2)
pps 42-51
pps 42-50

Tue., Sep. 12
Weather and Climate (Ch. 1)
Weather Symbols & the Station Model
pps 13-22
pps 431-432
pps 13-22
pps 427-428
finish Chap. 1
Appendix C
Thu., Aug. 31
Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere (Ch. 1)
Measuring Air Pressure (Ch. 6)
pps 8-13
pps 143-148
pps 7-12
pps 141-146

up to, but not including, Surface and Upper-Air Charts
Thu., Aug. 24
Air Pollutants (Ch. 12)
Acid Deposition (Ch. 12)
pps 317-325
pps 337-339
pps 313-321
pps 333-335
up to, but not including, Ozone in the Stratosphere
Tue., Aug. 22
Composition of the atmosphere (Ch. 1)
pps 1-7
pps 1-7
up to the Brief Review on p. 7