Experiment #1 - Percentage Oxygen Concentration in Air

X Alex Adelman #6
Danny Carr #94
X Jack Chaluh #126
X Jonathan Charleson #146
X Amy Chizmeshya #122
X Kathryn Clarke #124
Preston Cooper #90
X Steph Cooper #26
X Jaimee Fagg #86
X Kendra Flesner #20
X Crystal Gamache #74
X Kelly Gaughan #120
X Brittney Goldberg #102
X John Granatell #50

X Brett Haupt #16
X Matt Jasnoff #84
X Lani Kira Johnson #18
X Sara Kats #4
X Michael Knitowski #54
X Shira Kronick #56
X Matt Landau #14
X Kyle Lundberg #62
X Xuan Luo #30
X Chris Martin #134
X Greg McCormick #42
X Mason Ottersbach #64

X Rachele Padula #38
X Lindsey Pearson #108
X Cydney Pierce #66
Ryan Piraneo #110
X Matthew Pitz #58

X Samantha Reale #8
X Recynthia Robinson #128
X Michael Rohe #72
X Emilio Romero #106

X Jacob Schmitt #52
X Kyle Sheets #100
Alex Siegle #140
X Meagan Stavnitski #80
X Kevin Stoller #48
X Jordan Underhill #70
X Jacob Winkler #60
X Ted Youngling #44

Materials will be distributed in class starting on Wednesday Sep. 3. 

Start the experiment at a time when you will be able to check it a few times at fairly frequent intervals (every hour or two).  You should start the experiment soon 
because it may take several days to run to completion.  Don't wait until the last minute to do this experiment.  Once you have collected your data, return your materials (this will give someone else the opportunity to do this experiment) and pick up the supplementary information handout.   Click on this more information link to learn more about Expt. #1.

Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials.

Reports are due in class on Mon. Sep. 22.  An X in front of your name means I have received your report.