Experiment #2 - Latent Heat of Fusion of Ice

X Julian Allen #64
X Barrick Armstrong #136
X Taryn Blackburn #148
X Megan Boldrey #62
X Aaron Bronstein #20
X Lu Bu #102
X David Calabrese #66
X Mark Cebula #94
X Sam Clouten #74 (report due 10/27)
X Caitlin Coil #94
X Kelly Cutter #70
X Chelsea DeBerry #14
X Vito DelForno #74
X Sam Deterding #50
X Samantha DiBenedetto #114
X Lindsey Erlick #106
X Rebecca Everett #26
X Amber Findysz #30
X Jason Fishoff #62
X Matt Fore #4
X Caitlin Forrest #38

X Noah Gan #120
X Matthew Garten #28
X Charles Gerstman #72
X Thomas Greenhalgh #116
X Nicki Gutman #134
X Danielle Heidema #54
X Allison Houghton #100
X Alexandra LaMonica #146
X Adam LaValla #64
X Holly Leonard #110 (report due 10/27)
X Philip Loevenguth #112
X Anna-Paula Lopez #118
X Kathryn McGlamery #124
X Emily McPherson #66
X Michael Montgomery #18
X Ryan Murphy #60 
X Patrick Phillips #126
X Tessie Quintana #58
X Ryan Piraneo
X David Pressberg (report due 11/24)
X Josh Reifman #52

X Nicholas Scala #80
X Ariana Shapiro #6
X Tony Smith #56
X Tomoko Ueshina #108
X Yessica Vasquez #122
X Eddie Villalobos #42
X Grady Wankowicz #48
X Summer Watterson #6
X Adam Weiner #44
Kayla Wiest #glass (report due 10/27)
X QiaoLue Weng #8
X Evan Wishman #60
X Greg Yagan #84
X Ari Yakushik #142 (report due 10/27)
X Chris Yueh #86

Waiting List

Jason Stone

Materials were distributed in class for the first time on Friday Sept. 26.

The experiment doesn't take very long to complete, don't wait until the last minute to collect the data.  Once you have collected your data, return your materials (this will give someone on the waiting list the opportunity to do this experiment) and pick up the supplementary information handout.  

Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials.

Reports are due in class on Mon. Oct. 13.  An X in front of your name means I received your report.

Graded reports (for the people that turned them in on Oct. 13) were returned in class on Wed., Oct. 22. You now have two weeks to revise your report.  The revised reports are due on or before Wed., Nov. 5.  Please return your original report with your revised report.