Experiment #3 - Solar Irradiance

X Natalie Bendroff #16
X Brad Buzil #90
X Amani Butler #72
X Gus Chapdelaine #46
X Jim Daniels #84
X Lauren Doyle #14
X Robert Eager #14
Patrick Ernst #17 (report due 11/21)
X Karen Flores #2
X Ashley Frazier #34
X Sam Grubitz #86
X Hanna Henson #32
X John Holmes #38
X Sarah Horwitz #78

X Andrew Kaneshiro #52
X Aaron Levine #37
X Kelly Martin #28
X Wayne Martin Jr. #54
X Clinton Napier #78
X Dylan Pesqueira #22
X Courtney Physioc #82
X Chuck Pinney #78 (report due 11/12)
X Billy Rosenberg #40 (report due 11/19)
X Thomas Rowland #8
X Ashley Saindon #39
X Michael Saverine #12
X David Shapiro #42
X Ilan Slovin #74
X Lindsey Snyder #36
X Tom Taylor #18
X Man Fai Wan #30
X Jaewon Yoo #66
X Shela Yu #24
X Kathryn Zebrowski #4
X Zhou Zhou #48
X Ryan Zimmerman #44

Waiting List

X Connor Eustice
Joshua Movtadi

Jordan Ross

Mike Schwartzer
Joelle Smith

Materials were distributed for the first time on Friday Oct. 17.  Here is some additional information about the experiment.

The experiment shouldn't take very long to complete, but don't wait until the last minute to collect the data.  You need to do this experiment on a sunny day with calm winds, you don't know what the weather will be like the week before your report is due.  Once you have collected your data, return your materials (this will give someone else the opportunity to do this experiment) and pick up the supplementary information handout.  

Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials. 

Unless notes otherwise, reports are due in class on Mon. Nov. 3.  An X in front of your name means I received your report.

Revised reports are due on or before Mon., Nov. 24.  Please return your original report with your revised report.