Experiment #4 - Archimedes Law

X Erin Asselta 8+35
X Kurtis Camiliere 9+14
X Logan Douglas
X Whitney Freese 16+37
X Brad Frey 11+32
X Jessica Haag 16+37
X Ye Huo 17+26 (report due before Thanksgiving)
X Makenzie Hurd 3+22 (report due 11/19)

X Perri Jacobs 15+38
X Justin Kaliner 27+30
X Douglas MacDonald 27+30
X Jeff Reay 23+40
X Andrew Sanders 17+36
X Chelsea Steiner 3+22
X Charlie Sumner 19+24
X Matt Volin 7+12 (report due 11/12)
X Yuyang Wang 33+36
X Sumner Weitz 4+31 (report due 11/17)

Waiting List
John Granatell

Materials will be distributed in class starting around Wed. Oct. 22.

The experiment shouldn't take very long to complete, but don't wait until the last minute to collect the data.  Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.  

Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials.

Reports are due in class on Mon. Nov. 10.