Experiment #1 - Percentage Oxygen Concentration in the Air

X Rafaella Aguiar #224
X Abdulla Alameri #240
X Naser Alshamsi #118
X Matthew Ballesteros #130
X Gabby Barcena #18
X Megan Bidal #28
X Cara Boone #246
X William Breceda #30
X Michelle Burrola #148
Nathaniel Cabrera #120
X David Chaluh #24
X Fangfei Chen #2
X Alyssa DeMember #162
X Michael Dorgan #44

X Cristian Greco #232
Nicholas Grippo #34

X Melissa Hilowitz #244
Nicole Konstantin #242
X Michael Kubiak #222
X Eddie Lopez #236
X Briana Martin #216
X Jonathan Merken #102
X Breyan Miller #4
X Elissa Munoz-Tucker #68
X Margarito Najera #270
X Kristen Northup #64

X Olivia Olson #16
X Skyler Paladino #72
X Kinsey Peotter #126
X Nicholas Pepe #172

X Alex Reff #238
X Jeff Rightnowar #10
X Sarah Roessler #212
X Cristina Roide #92
X Rose Sanson
X Ashley Schaefer #202

X Sydney Sheppard #48
X Mary Spiece #54
Kelly Stack #86
X Monique Stewart #56
X Shannon Thomas #66
X Mary Underwood #62
X Rylie Uselman #292
X Bradon Vincent #228
X Taylor Vincent #124
X Kenny Webster #40
X Caitlin Wynkoop #210
X Rayan Zein #229

Materials will distributed in class starting on Friday Aug. 26. 

Start the experiment at a time (the weekend is ideal) when you will be able to check it a few times at fairrly frequent (hourly perhaps) intervals for a few hours.  Don't wait until the last minute to start this experiment because it may take several days to run to completion.  Click on this more information link to learn more about Expt. #1.

Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.  Try to do this before the experiment report is due because the handout will help with the analysis portion of your report.  Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials. 

Reports are due in class on Monday Sep. 19.