Melting Ice and Sea Level Rise Report Writing Guidelines

You can earn up to 5 pts for report content, 3 pts for writing quality, and 4 pts if you perform and report the results of the simple experiment mentioned in the source material.

Here are some of the main points to think about while you read about this topic and to discuss when you write your report:
Where is ice found on the earth's surface?
What evidence is there that the amount of ice on the earth's surface is decreasing?  Over what period of time has this occurred? 

You might mention briefly the Extreme Ice Survey. 
How much of a rise in sea level is being predicted?  Over what period of time is this expected to occur?
You might mention a location or region that could be affected by rising sea levels.

Writing Quality
Here are some things you can do to maximize your chances of earning a high writing quality grade:
Explain the material in your own words - your report should be your understanding and explanation of the material.  Avoid generalities, try to include specific details and examples from the reading section.  The separate sections or paragraphs of your paper should blend together into one seamless coherent report.  Your report should be nearly free of misspelled words and grammatical errors.