Thursday Nov. 14, 2013
Celtic music before class today featuring Gaelic Storm.
You heard: "Black
is the Colour", "Lover's Wreck",
and "Human to
a God". I had time for a 4th song: "Hibernian
Rhapsody" from De Danann before the 9:30 class.
The 1S1P reports on Global Warming, Melting Ice and Sea Level
Rise have been graded and were returned in class today.
About half of the reports on Ultraviolet Light have also been
graded. The link to a list of
students that have earned 45 1S1P pts is now active (those
student don't need to write any additional reports).
I'm still hoping to have most of the rest of the work you have
turned in graded in time to handout updated grade summaries next
Tuesday. If not Tuesday then Thursday.
We started class with Step #10 in our attempt to understand why
winds blow the way they do - at upper levels and at the ground,
around High and Low pressure, and in the northern and southern
hemispheres. Step #10 is shown on p. 129 in the ClassNotes.
You ought to be able to figure out first
of all whether these are surface or upper level winds.
Upper level winds blow parallel to the contours on a weather
map, surface winds blow across the contours. These are
surface winds. And because the winds always blow across
the contours toward low pressure it is easy to figure out which
of the figures are centers of low pressure (the wind blows
inward toward the center of the picture) The winds are
spiraling inward in the top and bottom examples. These
must be surface centers of low pressure. The winds are
spiraling outward from the centers of high pressure (2 and 4).
I used to recommend that you not try to figure out which of these
are northern and which are southern hemisphere pictures. I
would suggest it might be best to just remember one of the
pictures. Early in the semester we learned that surface winds spin
counterclockwise and spiral inward around centers of low
pressure in the northern hemisphere.
Then remember that winds spin in the other direction and blow
outward around high pressure in the northern hemisphere. The
spinning directions of the winds reverse when you move from the
northern to the southern hemisphere. Thus you find clockwise
spinning winds and inward motion around low pressure (3) and
counterclockwise and outward spiraling winds around high pressure
in the southern hemisphere.
Converging winds cause air to rise. Rising air expands
and cools and can cause clouds to form. Clouds and stormy
weather are associated with surface low pressure in both
hemispheres. Diverging winds created sinking wind motions
and result in clear skies.
Somethings change when you move form the northern to the southern
hemisphere (direction of the spinning winds). Sometimes stay
the same (winds spiral inward around centers of low pressure in
both hemispheres, rising air motions are found with centers of low
pressure in both hemispheres).
Next we examined a common misconception involving the Coriolis
force. You might have heard that water spins in a different
direction when it drains from a sink or a toilet bowl in the
southern hemisphere than it does in the northern hemisphere.
You might also have heard that this is due to the Coriolis force
or the Coriolis effect.
The Coriolis force does cause winds to spin in opposite directions
around large scale high and low pressure centers in the northern
and southern hemisphere. The PGF starts the air moving (in
toward low, out and away from high pressure) then the Coriolis
force bends the wind to the right (N. hemisphere) or to the left
(S. hemisphere).
Here's what you end up with in the case of low pressure.
Just like a rock will always start to roll downhill and never
uphill, air starts to move inward toward low pressure (the dots
show this initial motion). Then the Coriolis force causes
it to turn to the right or left depending on which hemisphere
you're in. You should be able to say which of the pictures
above is the northern hemisphere and which is the southern
hemisphere picture.
The same kind of idea applies to high pressure except that the
air starts moving outward. The Coriolis force then turns
it to the right or left.
Note that in all four cases above the inward pointing force
is stronger than the force pointing outward. This is what
provides the net inward force needed for something to move in a
circular path.
The figures above were actually on a handout distributed in
class that looked like this.
Remember the term cyclone refers to winds spinning around a
center of low pressure. Anticyclone refers to high
There are situations where the PGF is much stronger than the CF
and the CF can be
ignored. A tornado is an example. The PGF
is much much stronger than the CF and the CF can be
You need an inward pointing force in
order for wind to blow in a circular path. It
is possible for winds to spin around low pressure.
The inward pointing PGF provides the inward force that is
needed. The PGF points outward around centers of
high pressure. Winds can't spin around high pressure
when there is just a pressure gradient force.
There's no inward force.
This is what happens when water drains from a sink or
toilet. The water can spin in either direction in
either hemisphere. What causes the inward pointing
The water at the edges of the spinning
water is a little deeper than in the middle. Since
pressure depends on weight, the pressure at the outer edge of
the spinning water is higher than in the center. This
creates the inward pointing pressure gradient (pressure
difference) force.
Here's a picture of the "Old Sow" whirlpool in the Bay of
Fundy and apparently the largest whirlpool in the Western
Hemisphere (source).
Water draining from a sink or toilet can spin in
either direction. It doesn't matter where you're
But this something we should probably checkout for
ourselves, so here
is probably my favorite Optional Assignment of the semester.
You'll need to find and flush a toilet and watch what direction
the water spins. Then report back to me by midnight this
Friday, Nov. 15 (you'll need to send me an email).
The following figure was on the back of the class handout.
What if there is just Coriolis Force and no pressure gradient
force. Which of the types of motion shown above would be
possible. This a good question. It looks hard.
But we found that just remembering a couple of the basic concepts
that we have been covering you can answer the question. Two
of the scenarios shown above are possible Which two are
they. To be able to answer the question you need to remember
the rule for the direction of the Coriolis foce and you need to
remember what is needed to keep winds blowing in a circular
path. Think about this question for a minute or two.
You'll find the answer at the end of today's notes.
Next we went over a brief explanation of what causes the
Coriolis force. You'll find that stuck on the end of the notes from Tuesday's class.
I said we would come back to the surface winds figure again but forgot to do it in class.
You're give the following figure. What information could you
add. It's pretty easy to identify surface winds and to
determine whether you're dealing with a center of high or low
If you remember that surface winds blow across the contours
always in the direction of low pressure
you should be able to figure out that this shows surface winds
blowing around a center of low pressure (surface winds always
cross the contours toward low pressure). But is it a
northern or southern hemisphere situation? I've come to the
realization that this is also pretty easy to figure out also.
Imagine you're approaching the low pressure center and want to
merge with the existing winds (kind of like approaching a traffic
circle in your car and wanting to merge with the traffic that is
already there). Would you need to turn to the left or the
right as you approach? I think it's pretty clear you'd need
to turn left. So in addition to remembering that surface
winds blow across the contours always toward low pressure if you
remember that the Coriolis force acts to the left of the wind in
the southern hemisphere and to the north of the wind in the
northern hemisphere
you can quickly figure out this is a southern hemisphere
We're getting close enough to the end of the semester that I
have a pretty good idea what we will be covering between now and
then. Here are the topics that will lead up to Quiz #4.
Today: Thunderstorms pt. 1
Tuesday (Nov. 19): Thunderstorms pt. 2 & Tornadoes pt. 1
Thursday (Nov. 21): Tornadoes pt. 2 & Lightning pt. 1
Tuesday (Nov. 26): Lightning pt. 2 & Hurricanes pt. 1
Thursday (Nov. 28): Thanksgiving
Tuesday (Dec. 3): Hurricanes pt. 2
Today and part of next Tuesday will be devoted to
thunderstorms. Here's a little bit of an introduction
(found on p. 150 in the ClassNotes)
Thunderstorms come in different sizes and levels of
severity. We will mostly be concerned with ordinary
single-cell thunderstorms (also referred to as air mass
thunderstorms). They form in the middle of warm moist air,
away from fronts. Most summer thunderstorms in Tucson are
this type. An air mass thunderstorm has a vertical
updraft. A cell is just a term that means a single
thunderstorm "unit" (a storm with an updraft and a downdraft).
Tilted updrafts are found in severe and supercell
thunderstorms. As we shall see this allows those storms to
get bigger, stronger, and last longer. The
tilted updraft will sometimes begin to rotate. We'll see
this produces an interesting cloud feature called a wall cloud
and maybe tornadoes. Supercell thunderstorms
have a complex internal structure; we'll watch a short
video at some point that shows a computer simulation of the
complex air motions inside a supercell thunderstorm.
We won't spend anytime discussing mesoscale convective
systems except to say that they are a much larger storm
system. They can cover a large portion of a state.
They move slowly and often thunderstorm activity can persist for
much of a day. Occasionally in the summer in Tucson we'll
have activity that lasts throughout the night. This is
often caused by an MCS.
The following somewhat tedious material was intended to
prepare you to better appreciate a time lapse video movie of a
thunderstorm developing over the Catalina mountains. I
don't expect you to remember all of the details given
below. The figures below are more carefully drawn versions
of what was done in class.
Refer back and forth between the lettered points in the
figure above and the commentary below.
The numbers in Column
A show the temperature of the air in the atmosphere at
various altitudes above the ground (note the altitude scale on
the right edge of the figure). On this particular day the
air temperature was decreasing at a rate of 8 C per
kilometer. This rate of decrease is referred to as the
environmental lapse rate (lapse rate just means rate of decrease
with altitude). Temperature could decrease more quickly
than shown here or less rapidly. Temperature in the
atmosphere can even increase with increasing altitude (a
temperature inversion).
At Point B,
some of the surface air is put into an imaginary container, a
parcel. Then a meteorological process of some kind lifts
the air to 1 km altitude (in Arizona in the summer, sunlight
heats the ground and air in contact with the ground, the warm
air becomes buoyant - that's called free convection). The
rising air will expand and cool as it is rising.
Unsaturated (RH is less than 100%) air cools at a rate of 10 C
per kilometer. So the 15 C surface air will have a
temperature of 5 C once it arrives at 1 km altitude.
Early in the morning "Mother Nature" is only able to lift the
parcel to 1 km and "then lets go." At Point C note that
the air inside the parcel is slightly colder than the air
outside (5 C inside versus 7 C outside). The air inside
the parcel will be denser than the air outside and the parcel
will sink back to the ground.
By 10:30 am the parcel is being lifted to 2 km as shown at Point D. It
is still cooling 10 C for every kilometer of altitude
gain. At 2 km, at Point E the
air has cooled to its dew point temperature, the relative
humidity is now 100%, and a cloud has formed. Notice
at Point F,
the air in the parcel or in the cloud (-5 C) is still colder and
denser than the surrounding air (-1 C), so the air will sink
back to the ground and the cloud will disappear. Still no
thunderstorm at this point.
At noon, the air is lifted to 3 km. Because the air
became saturated at 2 km, it will cool at a different rate
between 2 and 3 km altitude. It cools at a rate of 6
C/km instead of 10 C/km. The saturated air cools more
slowly because release of latent heat during condensation
offsets some of the cooling due to expansion. The air that
arrives at 3km, Point
H, is again still colder than the surrounding air and
will sink back down to the surface.
By 1:30 pm the air is getting high enough that it has become
neutrally buoyant, it has the same temperature and density as
the air around it (-17 C inside and -17 C outside). This
is called the level of free convection, Point J in the figure.
If you can, somehow or another, lift air above the
level of free convection it will find itself warmer and less
dense than the surrounding air as shown at Point K and will
float upward to the top of the troposphere on its own.
This is really the
beginning of a thunderstorm. The thunderstorm
will grow upward until it reaches very stable air at the bottom
of the stratosphere.
This was
followed by a time
lapse video showing a day's worth of work leading
eventually to the development of a thunderstorm.
Here's the answer to the question about spinning winds that
would be possible if just the Coriolis force was present.
What we've done is draw in the direction of the Coriolis force
for each of the four examples above. The CF is perpendicular
and to the right of the wind (as you look downstream) in the
Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern
Hemisphere. The CF points inward in examples (b) and (d) and
could supply the net inward force needed to keep air spinning in a
circular path. The winds in (a) and (c) would not be
possible because is no inward pointing force.