Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Report Writing Guidelines

You can earn up to 7 pts for report content and up to 4 pts for writing quality.

Here are some of the main points to think about while you read about carbon dioxide and to discuss when you write your report:
Is global warming and climate change something you know a lot or not so much about?  How important a topic is it to you?
Why is atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration a concern (
CO2 is not really toxic and is only the 5th most abundant gas in the atmosphere)?
Is the atmospheric greenhouse effect a good thing, bad thing, or a little of both?
What changes have there been in atmospheric CO2 concentration during the past?
What natural and anthropogenic processes add and remove CO2 to(from) the air?
How does the amount of
CO2 added to or removed from the atmosphere by human activities compare to those of nature?

Writing Quality

Here are some things you can do to maximize your chances of earning a high writing quality grade:
Explain the material in your own words - your report should be your understanding and explanation of the material.  Avoid generalities, try to include specific details and examples from the reading section.  The separate sections or paragraphs of your paper should blend together into one seamless coherent report.  Your report should be nearly free of misspelled words and grammatical errors.