170 Final Exam Study Outline
Exam: Thu.,
Dec. 19, 8 - 10 am, ILC 150 (Sect. 2 class)
Thu., Dec. 19, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm, ILC 150 (Sect. 3 class)
Fri., Dec. 13, 8 - 10 am, Haury 129 (see the bottom of this
page for more information about this exam)
Review: Wed., Dec. 18, 8-10 am, Haury 129
Composition of the atmosphere: N2, O2,
H2O, Ar, and CO2. H2O and CO2
are main greenhouse gases. Importance of water vapor. How is CO2
added to and removed from the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases
& climate change. Atmospheric evolution (what important
atmospheric gas didn't come from volcanoes?)
2. Air
Pollution: Carbon
monoxide (CO) - incomplete combustion, early morning and
wintertime pollutant, surface inversion layers. Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
- London type smog, acid rain. Tropospheric ozone (O3)
- key component of photochemical smog or Los Angeles type smog,
summer afternoon pollutant.
Particulate matter and scattering of light. Clouds clean
the air.
Stratospheric ozone: importance, natural production and
destruction of ozone in the ozone layer, destroyed by CFCs
Mass, weight, density, pressure: gravity pulls downward
on a mass producing weight. Pressure is a measure of the weight of
the air above. Mercury barometer. Typical sea level pressure
values and units. Air pressure and air density (mass/volume) both
decrease with increasing altitude.
5. Layers in the atmosphere: troposphere and
stratosphere. Temperature inversion (stable air layer).
6. Ideal
gas law: How are P, N, V, T, and density related? In the
atmosphere temperature and density usually change in a way that
keeps pressure constant. Vertical forces on air parcels, free
convection. Archimedes law.
7. Surface weather maps:
Station model notation, average and usual range of sea level
pressure values, isobars and isotherms, winds around highs and
lows. Symbols used for cold and warm fronts. Cyclones and
anticyclones, convergence and divergence, rising and sinking air,
pressure gradient and wind speed.
8. Upper
level maps: ridges and troughs (warm and cold air
below). Winds blow parallel to the contours and from west to
Energy and temperature: temperature is a measure of average kinetic
energy. Temperature scales. Delta T and Delta E relationship,
specific heat. Oceans moderate climate.
10. Energy transport: conduction,
convection, latent heat (names of various phase changes, is energy
absorbed or given off).
Electromagnetic (EM) radiation: static electricity and
electric fields, wavelength, frequency, and energy. EM spectrum
- UV, visible, and IR light.
12. Rules:
governing the emission (kind and amount) of radiation.
13. Energy
balance: on the earth with and without an atmosphere.
Selective absorption of EM radiation by earth's atmosphere.
Greenhouse gases and greenhouse effect. Effects of clouds on
daytime and nighttime temperatures.
Humidity:: saturation, humidity variables - mixing ratio,
saturation mixing ratio, relative humidity and dew point
temperature. Rain shadow effect, heat index, Dew and frost. Cloud
condensation nuclei
Identifying and naming clouds: ten cloud types, key
16. Formation of
precipitation: collision coalescence process and
ice crystal process.
Types of precipitation: rain, drizzle,
snow, graupel, hail, sleet, freezing rain, virga. Radar.
Newton's 1st law of motion:
determine surface and upper level winds: PGF, Coriolis
force, friction. Rules for direction and strength.
18. Upper
level winds: winds blow parallel to contours. Northern
and southern hemispheres, net inward force needed for spinning
Surface winds: northern and
southern hemisphere, convergence and divergence, rising and
sinking motions.
Thunderstorms: air mass (3-stage life cycle) and severe
(tilted updraft). Gust front, shelf cloud, anvil & mammatus
clouds, wind shear, microburst.
Tornadoes: general characteristics, life cycle, Fujita
scale. Mesocyclone and wall cloud, hook echo on radar.
21. Lightning: thunderstorm charge structure,
intracloud and cloud-to-ground lightning (stepped leader, return
stroke, multiple strokes), lightning safety, distance to a
lightning strike.
Hurricanes (typhoons and cyclones): Formation (where and
when). Eye, eye wall, spiral rain bands, low pressure &
converging winds at surface, high pressure & diverging winds
aloft. Stages of storm development. Storm surge and hurricane
damage, Saffir-Simpson scale.
The final exam usually consists of 50+ multiple choice, word
choice, fill-in-the-blank style questions (like those on this
semester's quizzes). The final will include:
3 questions (at least) from each of this semester's 5 quizzes
(practice quiz + 4 quizzes)
10 questions (at least) from the Fall 2003 final exam
The early, Dec. 13, exam has been set up as a convenience for
students that are unable or would have difficulty remaining in
town until Dec. 19. Haury 129 can hold about 80
people. I am therefore reserving 40 spots for students from
the Sect. 2 class and 40 spots from the Sect. 3 class. You
must signup ahead of time in order to be able to take this earlier
exam. A 2 hour review is planned the day before the Dec. 19
exams. A review will not be held before the Dec. 13