of motion (10 pts).
Given a picture of an object's motion, you should be able
to determine whether a net force is acting on the object or not.
If a net force is present, you should have some idea what
direction it must point. Here
are some examples.
Forces that determine
horizontal wind (25 pts). Pressure
gradient force (PGF), Coriolis force (CF), and frictional force
(F) (surface winds only). Rules that determine the direction and
strength of these forces. Which force can start stationary air
moving? Which of these forces will only change the direction of
the wind and not the wind speed? Which one of these forces can
only change the speed of the wind? Which of these forces is
always perpendicular to the contours on a weather map, which is
always perpendicular to the wind? Upper level and surface winds
(35 pts).Upper level
winds blow parallel to the contours, surface winds blow across
the isobars toward low pressure. You should know the
directions that upper level winds blow around circular high
and low pressure centers in the northern and southern
hemisphere. In each case you should be able to
determine the directions of the PGF and CF. Here
are lots of examples to study.
How do surface winds blow around H and
L pressure centers in the northern and southern hemispheres? Where
do you find rising and sinking air motions? Here are
several examples.
Sample Questions from the Fall 2000 quiz packetQuiz #5:
4, 12, 13, EC2 Final
Exam: 10, 13, 18, 26