Every semester there are a few students that end up just below the threshold between two grades.  I find that a subset of these students didn't complete all the required coursework.  If it looks like making up the missing work would raise a student's overall average enough for me to be able to bump them up a letter grade, I would like to be able to give them an incomplete so that they have the opportunity and extra time to make up the missing work.  But I can't really do that without checking with them first.

_____    Check here to give me permission to give you an incomplete if circumstances warrant.

_____    Check here if you DO NOT WANT under any circumstances to be given an incomplete.

An incomplete means that you don't immediately get a grade for this class (an I appears on your transcripts).  Once you've completed the missing work you receive a grade.  You have up to one year to make up an incomplete (though I would suggest you get it done as soon as possible).