Thermal Circulations and the 3-cell Model of the Earth's Global Scale Circulation - 1S1P Report Writing Guidelines

You can earn up to 8 points for report content, up to 4 pts for writing quality, and up to 3 additional pts for a carefully drawn and clearly labelled picture of the surface features in the 3-cell model of the earth's global scale pressure and wind patterns.

You should devote perhaps a quarter or third of your report to thermal circulations.  What causes them, what direction does the wind blow in a thermal circulation?  The major portion of your report should be about the earth's global scale pressure and winds.  What ultimately causes the global pattern?  In what way(s) does the global scale pattern resemble a thermal circulation?  What are the main surface features found in the 3-cell model (i.e. sea level pressure and surface wind belts).  You may limit yourself to the region between about 45 S to 45 N latitude if you wish.  Where might precipitation be abundant and scarce?  Some of the features are given unusual names such as the "doldrums", the "horse latitudes", and the "trade winds."  You might mention how certain features in the global wind pattern cause the ocean currents found off the east and west coasts of the US.  Movement of  what 3-cell model feature is responsible for our summer monsoon?


This should be something you have drawn, not something you have found online and pasted into your report (if you find a particularly clear figure online you will have to try to reproduce it as best you can on your own).  Your drawing will be judged on neatness and clarity.  The written portion of your report must be double spaced and must fit onto 1 side of 1 page.  You may use an additional page (either the back of your report or a separate page) for the drawing.  I would encourage you to use as much of that page as you can for your figure.

Writing Quality
Explain the material in your own words - your report should be your understanding and explanation of the material.  I will be looking for a clear, accurate, well organized report.  This is easier to do if you have a good understanding of the material before you begin to write your report.