One Side of One Page (1S1P) Report Assignments and Topics
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Assignment #1c
(Weather map analysis due Thu., Oct. 12, carbon dioxide reports due Tue., Oct. 17)
points possible
Surface weather map analysis
10 1S1P pts (or 0.4 extra credit pts)
download this worksheet
Study and use this example analysis as a guide
See also the Tue., Sep. 26 class notes
Carbon dioxide coming soon
online notes
report writing guidelines

You can do one or the other or both of these topics.  Note: a written report is not required with the surface weather map analysis.

Assignment #1b (report are due by Tue., Sep. 26)
points possible
The equinoxes and Manhattanhenge
online notes
report writing guidelines
Causes of the seasons
online notes
report writing guidelines

As with any 1S1P assignment you don't have to write a report about this topic if you don't want to, it is just another opportunity to earn points in your goal to reach 45 pts by the end of the semester (which is something you should definitely try to do).  If you do decide to write a report you must pick one topic or the other, you can't write reports about both topics.  This is because the Equinoxes and Manhattanhenge material is really just a subset of the Causes of the Seasons topic.  Your report must be double spaced, must fit entirely onto one side of one page, and should be your understanding and explanation of the material (i.e. don't just cut and paste from or paraphrase source material).

Assignment #1a (reports are due by Thu., Sep. 7)

points possible
Origin and evolution of the earth's atmosphere
online notes
Report writing guidelines.  See the last half of the Thu., Aug. 24 Lecture Notes
before starting to work on this topic.
Scattering of sunlight
online notes
Report writing guidelines

You can write 0, 1, or 2 reports as part of this assignment.  You earn 1S1P points by writing reports and your goal should be to earn 45 pts by the end of the semester.  Whether you do that by writing lots of reports early in the semester (2 reports as part of this assignment), spread the effort out over the whole semester (only 1 of the two topics above), or try to catch up with a flurry of reports near the end of the semester is up to you.  I would suggest you do at least one of the topics above just so that you can get an idea of how this type of work will be graded.

A printed "hardcopy" of your report is due at the beginning of class on the date due (you can always turn in reports early).  I would encourage you to keep copies of any reports you turn in.  1S1P reports must be double spaced, must fit entirely onto one side of one page (a cover page is not needed; I only really need your name and Sect. number at the top of your report), and should be your understanding and explanation of the material (i.e. don't just cut and paste from or paraphrase source material).  You can find more information on 1S1P reports on the Writing Requirements page.