Experiment #1 - Percentage Oxygen Concentration in the Air

X Martha Alvarez #90
X Tyler Barry #224
X Jake Blacketor #20

X Rosemary Caicedo #96
X Lekun Chen #49
X Colton Currie #4
X Sam Dilger #130
Haley Dodson #144
X Darian Flores #12
X Yifei Gao #128
X Max Graven #120
Gabriel Hassan #38
X Lane Kapsalis #74
X Carena Keller #86

X Hailey Leister #110
X Veronica Li #216

X Ziyun Liang #50
Zhixuan Liu #80
X Aqeel Maidan #238
X Kelly McEwan #70
Paulina Medina #28
X Adalberto Mendoza #231
X Taylor Meyer #170
X Ivan Moreno #216
X Kelly O'Neil #6

X Austin Pecoraro #170
X Yan Pei #225
X Aleigha Peterson #92
X Danielle Petty #154

X Kaylee Qualls #180
X Mekaiella Ramirez #240
X Jace Reeder #250
X Rikki Riojas #44
Michael Romano #124
X Daniel Rubio #64

X Eliana Salehin #88
Ashley Sanchez #8
X Zac Saylor #138
X Jessica Schuler #146
X Brenda Serna V. #58
X Yuting Shu #128
Carla Silva #68

X John Sparks #192
X Madison Swaine #25
X Dave Taylor IV #270
X Clayton Turner #32
X Erina Ueda #26
X Gonzalo Valencia #198
X Diego Velasco #150
X Vanessa Velasquez #18
X Samantha Walker #82
Alex Wilcoxson #84
Donta Williams #40
X Malachi Woods #66
X Hui Zhao #32
X Ziting Zhao #130
X Bin Zhou #20

Materials were first distributed in class on
Thursday Aug. 24.  This is an individual not a group activity. 

Click on one of the following links if you need an extra copy of the report format, the instructions for the experiment, or a data collection sheet.  Check in class if you need a new piece of steel wool.

Click on this more information link to learn more about Expt. #1.

Start the experiment at a time (the weekend is ideal) when you will be able to check it a few times at fairly frequent (hourly perhaps) intervals for a few hours.  Don't wait until the last minute to start this experiment because it may take several days to run to completion.  If for some reason you need to restart the experiment check with me in class and ask for a new piece of steel wool.

Try to complete the experiment well before the report due date.  Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.  This handout will help with the analysis portion of your report.  Your name should turn this rust color when you have returned your materials.  An X in front of your name means you turned in your report.

Unless noted otherwise, reports are due in class on Tue., Sep. 19