Note concerning the Optional Assignment handed out in class on Thursday Oct. 26. 

I inadvertently left off the answer choices for Question #8.  Here is the corrected version of that question

8.         Assume that the actual amount of water vapor in the air remains the same during the day.  Then 
_______ and _______ won't change during the day, _______ and _______ will probably be
            higher in the afternoon than in the morning, and _______ will probably be higher in the morning
            than in the afternoon.  (fill in each blank with one of the choices below, each answer should be
            used once)

            r (mixing ratio)           rs (saturation mixing ratio)                 Ta (air temperature)

            RH (relative humidity)                       Td (dew point temperature)

The assignment is due at the start of class on Tuesday, Oct. 31.