Clear and informative writing is an important
part of any discipline. Writing also helps develop your critical
and analytical thinking skills and helps you to understand new
and confusing concepts. The written
work required in this class falls into two categories:
1. Experiment Report
Three simple "take home" experiments have been developed for
this course. An additional experiment may be developed during
the semester.
At some point during the
semester you should check out one of the sets of materials,
perform the associated experiment, and write an experiment
report. Experiment instructions and a more detailed description
of the report format will be distributed with the experiment
kits. You will have the opportunity to revise your
original report is you wish to.
The three experiments and tentative
due dates are listed below:
Experiment |
Title or Topic |
Report Due Date |
#1 |
Measuring the Percentage
Oxygen Concentration in Air |
Tue., Sep. 19 |
#2 |
Measuring the Latent
Heat of Fusion of Ice (the energy needed to melt ice) |
Tue., Oct. 10 |
#3 |
Measuring the Solar
Irradiance (the energy in sunlight) |
Tue., Oct. 31 |
There are always a few people that
absolutely refuse to do an experiment, here are a couple of
Report on a Scientific Paper
Not just any scientific paper, but one of three options
that I have chosen for you. You
can learn more about this option here.
Scientific Paper reports will be due on Tue., Nov. 7.
Reports can also be turned in early.
Report on a Book
A limited number of books that touch on weather-related
topics are available for checkout (from the class
instructor). A list of
titles is available on the class website. More
information on the report format can be found here.
Books reports are due Tue., Nov. 7 (reports can be turned in
early). The
expectation here will be that you read an entire book or a
significant portion of a book (so don't wait until the
last minute) and report on what you have learned.
If you decide on this option, you should identify and check
out a book at least 3 to 4 weeks
before the due date.
You only need to select one of the three options above (an experiment or a scientific paper or book report, just one, not all three). If you select the experiment option, you only need to do one of the experiments. Because of limited amounts of experiment materials and in order to avoid a flood of reports at the end of the semester, students should select a particular experiment (or one of the other options) during the first week or so of class.
2. One Side of One Page
Writing Assignments
The object of the one side of one page (1S1P) assignments
is to have you read and learn more about material in some
readily accessible source.
At different times
during the semester, topics will be posted on the 1S1P Report Assignments and Topics
page. You will then be able to report on one or two
of the topics in each assignment.
selecting a topic, but before you begin reading, ask yourself
what you already know about the subject and try to imagine what
you will find in the reading. As
you read, create a brief outline with the main points, the key
concepts and principles in the selection. Use this outline to
construct a draft report. Once you have a relatively clear idea
of what you want to say in your report, you may refer back to
the source material for help filling in any missing details and
clearing up any misunderstanding. Your report should be written
in your own words; it should be your understanding and
explanation of the material. You shouldn't just "copy and paste"
portions of the source text (or material from other sources)
into your report.
Reports should be prepared on 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Typed
reports must be double spaced, use 11 pt font or larger, and
must be equal to or less than one side of a page in
length. Reports may be handwritten, but your writing must
be legible and the one page limit will still apply (handwritten
reports may be single spaced).
The one page limit will require that you
condense, abridge, and even leave out material covered in the
reference material. Try to identify
and explain the main points, you don't need to include every
detail. In many cases a drawing or figure might be
appropriate (and might save considerable written explanation).
Your report will be graded on quality and clarity of writing,
organization, and information content.
You may earn up to 40 points on Part 1
(Experiment or Book Report) and up to a maximum of 45 points on
Part 2 (1S1P reports). A writing percentage grade will be
computed as follows:
% grade = 100% x (report grade + 1S1P points)