Experiment #2 - Latent Heat of Fusion of Ice

X Marianne Acuna #55
Sultan Alansari
Naif Alessa
Samantha Alvarez #35
Jordan Amparan
X Zoe Armbruster #120
Parker Arendts #91
X Samantha Blank #67
X Oswaldo Bustamante #147
X Reann Buta #133
X Katelyn Carlson #15
X Louis Chavez #39
X Blair Davis #123
X Trey Decker
X Rachel Donnelly #87
X Justin Dungey #53
Morgan Duss
X Anthony Figueroa #211
X Catia Flores #141
X Kariela Galaz #20
X Reilly Gambee #120
Grey Gardner
X Veronica Ginsberg #5
X Cole Goudge #195
X Beth Hitchins #215
X Kaley Holmes #227
X Victoria Howell #240
X Sam(Daniel) Hughes  #7
X Keith Julian #103
X Mattie King #81
X Taylor Knight
Lexi Kobrin #129
Marlee Kyles #11
X Dominique Lewis #25
X Riley Longo #181
Taylor Mackie
Maddie Mansperger #155
X Sarah McCoy
Tina Miller #32
X Jazmine Morales #199
X Tara Murphy #33
X Xuehan Niu #27
X Justin Plumoff
X Khang Quack #171
Carter Ritt
X Juliana Ross #131
X Raymond Rowe #231
X Holden Silver #115
Blake Sloane
X Amari Smith #99
X Amorah Tate #185
X Sandy Trieu #55
Justin Trotto
Renata Tyler #111
X Molly Vesling #93

X Kay Vincent #131
X Johnny Vu #77

At this point the plan is to distribute materials on Thursday Sept. 21.  Click on one of the following links if you need an extra copy of the report format, the instructions for the experiment, or a data collection sheet

The thermometer you are given might have a separated column.  If so, read these special instructionsThe thermometers do not contain mercury; if you break one carefully clean up the pieces of glass and either bring them back to me or safely dispose of them.

Even though the experiment doesn't take very long to complete, don't wait until the last minute to collect the data.  Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.   Try to do this well before your report is due, the supplementary information will show you how to use your measurements to calculate the latent heat of fusion.

Your name should turn purple when you have returned your materials.

Experiment reports are due in class on Tue., Oct. 10.