Experiment #3 - Solar Irradiance

X Sultan Alansari #86
Jordan Amparan #89

Parker Arendts #103
X Kameron Barzegar #45
Thomas Blocker #23
X Jordan Burgess #1
Yu Chen
Jacob DeMartini #83
X Ben Drake #57
Kasey Duncan
X Mitchell Evans #11
X Jalen Foster #73
X Alex Freund #51
Greg Gardner #93
Skylar Henry
Jackson Hickey #77
X Max Howes #55
X Kathleen Hoying #65
X Tom Kopstein #21
X Nathan Loftus #79
X Taylor Mackie #3
Giovanni Marquez #61
Peter Martineau #37
X Kaitlyn Neel #31
Xuehan Niu
X Ariana Padilla #13
X Mason Paschke #15
X Kyle Phelan #69
Diego Ponce
X Trevor Rudolph #97
Peyton Shaughnessy #7
Lauren Sherwood #5
X Alison Smith #19
X Renata Tyler

At this point the plan is to distribute the experiment materials on Thu., Oct. 12.   Click on one of the following links if you need an extra copy of the report format, the instructions, or the data collection sheet.

The experiment doesn't take very long to complete, but it does require sunny weather without wind (it's best to perform the experiment around midday when the sunlight is most intense).  Don't wait until the last minute to collect the data, you don't know what the weather will be like.  Here's a little more information about the experiment.

Your thermometer might have a separated column.  If so, see these special instructionsThe thermometers do not contain mercury; if you break one carefully clean up the pieces of glass and either bring them back to me or safely dispose of them.

Once you have collected your data, return your materials (your name will turn orange once you've done that) and pick up the supplementary information handout.   Do this well before your report is due, the supplementary information sheet will show you how to use your measurements to calculate the solar irradiance. 

Unless noted otherwise reports are due on Tue., Oct. 31.