Scientific Paper Report

X Bijan Afkhami
X Talal Alghamdi
X Drew Caron
X Jazzmon Cobb
X Kevin Feeney
X Brock Hintze
X Nicole Kaiser
X Bradley Kirkland
X Jennifer Martin
X Jared Preiser
X John Routh
X Rachel Stern
X Amanda Winter

The Scientific Paper that you'll need to read deals with climate change and global warming.  The report can be found here.

Here are some guidelines to use when writing your report.

I would recommend waiting until early March, until after we have covered energy transport, electromagnetic radiation, and the atmospheric greenhouse effect, before starting to read the Scientific Paper and preparing your report. 

Reports are due by Mon., Apr. 1

Note: The Scientific Paper is one of the options some students chose rather than writing an experiment report.  If you have done or are working on an experiment you don't need to do the Scientific Paper report.