Scientific Paper Report
X Evan Bromfield
X Wynn Chan
X Matthew Coyle
X Aayush Desai
Emily Drum
X Luke Gowitzka
Juan Lastra
X Alyssa Rivera
X Zach Salcido
X Tommy Taylor
X AJ Tran
X Adia Watson
This semester you have a
choice of 3 papers/topic to choose from:
1. The first, "Frequently
Asked Questions" from the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change, is about climate change and global
warming. It has been used in the past and comes with
some Report Writing
Guidelines. I would suggest you read those before
reading the paper.
The next two reports deal with the availability and use of
water in Arizona.
2. The first of these new reports is titled "Layperson's
Guide to Arizona Water" and was prepared by the Water
Education Foundation and The University of Arizona Water
Resources Research Center. It's a relatively long report
and a set of report writing guidelines is not yet available.
3. The second is titled "Closing
the Water Demand-Supply Gap in Arizona" and is also from
the University of Arizona Water Resources Research
Center. This shorter report comes with some Report Writing
Guidelines that I would suggest you look at before
reading the paper.
Unless noted otherwise reports will be due in class on Mon.,
Apr. 2. An X in front of your name means I
have received your report.
Note: The Scientific Paper is
one of the options some students chose rather than writing
an experiment report. If you have done or are
working on an experiment you don't need to do the
Scientific Paper report.