We have just seen that Earth's climate has gone through rather large changes
throughout its history. Virtually all of these changes occurred prior to the
arrival of humans. The questions which we are seeking to answer include:
Based on evidence that we have inferred about the Earth's climate history is the Earth resilient to change (robust) or susceptible to wild changes (fragile)? The following text is taken from S. George Philander's book "Is the Temperature Rising?" published in 1998 by Princeton University Press.
Earth's inhabitants, far from being passive guests, have influenced
conditions on this planet throughout its history. We are indebted to earlier
life forms for contributions that range from the oxygen in the air we breathe
to fossil fuels on which our civilizations have become dependent. During the
evolution of the conditions that suit us so well, many species became extinct.
The geologic record provides ample evidence of catastrophic extinctions of
numerous species on several occasions. Some probably contributed to their own
demise. Certain primative forms of life that thrived in Earth's original
atmosphere without oxygen produced oxygen as a waste, to such an extent that
enormous amount accumulated in the atmosphere, [eventually killing many of the
primative life forms, but allowing oxygen breathing life forms to develop]. We,
too, could be causing ourselves considerable inconvenience... For example, we
are modifying the composition of the global atmosphere significantly because of
the fossil fuels we are burning at a furious rate. Soon our actions will cause
the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases to increase, not by a tiny
percentage, but by a factor of two at least.
It is unlikely that the biosphere as a whole will be endangered by our
actions; it has survived bigger calamities in the past. The global warming that
we are likely to cause has been exceeded in earlier epochs. The present cold
era our planet has been experiencing for some two million years [pleistocene
epoch] was preceded by a period during which the poles were free of ice. At
different times in the past, temperatures have been much higher and much lower
than they are today, but because of fortuitous factors such as our distance
from the Sun and the size of the Earth, temperature extremes on this planet
never approached those that prevail on our neighbors Venus and Mars. In the
long run, these factors will enable our planet to continue maintaining
habitable conditions; our actions will be of little consequence over the next
thousands and millions of years.
That is scant comfort to humans, however, because we are vulnerable to even
modest climate changes that persist for only a few years or decades. We homo
sapiens can ill afford something as trivial
as an increase in the frequency of hurricanes, or prolonged droughts in some
regions and repeated devastating floods in others [or even modest sea level
rise]. Our planet may seem robust from the perspective of the entire biosphere
-- life has been on Earth for more than three billion years -- but it can
nonetheless appear fragile from the perspective of individual species,
especially us. That is why there is cause for concern about the global
environmental consequences of our agricultural and industrial practices. The
matter has generated lively debates, but they often end in stalements; for
example, some insist that the Earth is robust, others that is is fragile. In
reality it is both!
Climate change reflects significant shifts in the mean state of the
atmosphere-ocean-land system that results in shifts in the atmosphere and ocean
circulation patterns, which in turn impacts regional weather.
From the paleoclimate perspective,
climate change is normal and part of the Earth's natural variability related to
interactions among the atmosphere, ocean, and land, as well as changes in the
amount of solar radiation reaching the earth. The geologic record includes a
plethora of evidence for large-scale climate changes. Evidence for climate
fluctuations over all scales of time is conclusive.
There are many possible and causes of long-period climatic variations and
many have been proposed by climate scientists. We are going to go over one,
which almost undoubtedly has played a major role in past climate changes on
Earth, and that is rather small natural fluctuations in the Earth's orbit about
the Sun. These fluctations result in changes in solar radiation available at
different latitudes and seasons. In terms of the magnitude of the change in the
energy budget of the climate system, these are very small indeed, but have been
positively linked to the current ice age cycles that have been occurring over
the past two million years on Earth. Thus, this may be an example that
indicates that even small changes in the energy budget of the Earth can result
in very significant changes in global climate: from ice ages to warmer
interglacial periods.
These are the major cycles in the Earth's orbital parameters:
The changes in the distribution of solar energy at the top of the atmosphere
caused by slight variations in the orbit of the Earth about the Sun were first
computed by the a Serbian scientist Milutin Milankovitch about 1930. He was convinced that these orbital
changes were the cause of the Ice Ages. There is supporting evidence for this claim. Past climatic
fluctations in temperatures inferred from ice core and ocean sediment core data
are very well correlated with the fluctuations in the Earth's orbital
parameters worked out by Milankovitch.
However, today scientists believe that these changes alone are not sufficient to explain the occurrence of the ice ages, although
it is difficult to deny that these orbital changes are responsible for
"triggering" the ice age cycles. In other words, the orbital changes
push the climate system in a particular direction. Once pushed, positive
feedbacks in the climate system may then result in full blown ice age cycles. What
does this mean for us? Doubling the concentration of greenhouse gases is a
larger forcing of the Earth's energy budget than is caused by these slight
orbital variations. Will the ultimate effect on climate be larger than occurs
over an ice age cycle? This is a difficult
question to answer because the feedback mechanisms related to changes in
greenhouse gases will be different than the feedback mechanisms related to
orbital variations (among other differences).