Copyright University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
"Balloon launch".  Copyright UCAR                                Click here for US forecasts from NCAR
NATS 101.  The Earth and Its Environments.  An overview of the key concepts in physical and chemical processes, including Newton's laws governing force and motion, the laws of thermodynamics governing energy and entropy, the role of electromagnetism in nature, and the atomic structure of matter.

Section 30.  Introduction to Weather & Climate.  An introduction to the science of weather processes and climate, including the genesis of fronts and cyclones, precipitation processes, the wind systems of the world, severe storms, and weather forecasting. Special emphasis will be given to natural phenomena which have strong impacts on human activities including tornadoes, hurricanes, El Nino, global warming, ozone depletion, and air pollution. The fundamental importance of physics, chemistry, and mathematics to atmospheric science will be stressed.

Spring 2008
NATS 101. Section 30
Tue/Thur 9:30-10:45; ILC 150
Prof. Eric A. Betterton
Course Outline
NATS 101 (30): Syllabus
Class Topics
Quizzes and
Dates, Samples & Notes
Grades: Grades
Projects: Science project write-ups
Links: Meteorology
Scientific Writing
Tsunami Supercourse
UA Homepages: Atmospheric Sciences
University of Arizona
Contact: Steve Stegall (TA)
Office hours (PAS 510):
Mon 10:00-10:50; 
Wed 2:00-2:50pm;

Professor Betterton
Please e-mail
Sonya Flores-Basurto 
for an appointment