April 14, 2008
Radiation (Chapter 2, pg. 31 forward, Continued)
n We are in the process of going through the supplemental reading material on radiation to help describe what is meant by an electromagnetic wave, how are different types of radiation distinguished, and several fundamental laws of radiation emission. I believe that the material presented in the supplemental reading will be easier to understand than the material in the textbook. We will begin Monday with the section “Rules Governing the Emission of Radiation” in the supplemental pages.
o The supplemental reading page for electromagnetic radiation is available under the reading link on these class web pages. I strongly suggest that you read over this material before coming to class. It may also be helpful to print the pages so that you have them in front of you when we discuss this material.
n Quick Summary
o Review figure showing electromagnetic spectrum (linked on lecture notes page)
o All objects in the universe emit (or give off) radiation energy. The amount and type of radiation emitted depends strongly on the temperature of the object.
§ The higher the temperature, the more total energy radiated
§ The higher the temperature, the shorter the wavelength of the peak radiation energy emission.
· Therefore, the hot sun emits much more radiation energy than the cooler Earth and its peak emission is at a much shorter wavelength than the Earth.
o See figure 2.9. Peak emission for the Sun falls into the visible radiation category, while peak emission for the Earth (and most objects on the Earth) is infrared radiation, which we cannot see with our eyes.
n Photons
o At a very basic level, radiation energy is emitted photon by photon. Billions upon billions upon billions … of photons. We have seen that different types of radiation can be described by the wavelength of its electric and magnetic fields (shorter wavelengths are said to carry more energy). Alternatively, different types of radiation can be described by the energy carried by a single photon. A photon can be thought of as a distinct “chunk” of electromagnetic radiation. It is the smallest amount of radiation energy that can exist, i.e., photons cannot be broken down. This gives rise to the concept that radiation energy is “quantized” or comes in discrete packages (as photons). The radiation energy at any given wavelength is composed of a discrete or integer number of photons. Keep in mind, thought, that there exists a continuous spectrum of photon energies in the universe.
§ Because only a small fraction of all the radiation energy emitted from the Sun is in the form of ultraviolet radiation (figure 2.8), we can say that the Sun emits many more visible photons than ultraviolet photons (equating to more visible radiation energy than ultraviolet); however, each ultraviolet photon carries more energy than each visible photon.
o At the very basic level, radiation energy is absorbed photon by photon as well. With respect to human well-being, an important issue here is what happens to a living cell when it absorbs a photon.
§ An ultraviolet photon has enough energy to damage or destroy the DNA in a living cell when it is absorbed.
§ A visible photon does not contain enough energy to damage the cell when it is absorbed.
§ Thus the absorption of many visible photons does not cause a problem, but the absorption of a single ultraviolet photon can cause problems. This is why we must protect ourselves from exposure to ultraviolet radiation (photons).
End of Quiz 5 Material
Blue Skies, Red Sunsets, White clouds, and Haze
(beginning Chapter 15)
n We will now briefly digress to discuss some common optical phenomena in the atmosphere
n When radiation energy hits an object, one of three things will happen
o The radiation can be transmitted through the object (pass through unaffected)
§ Draw simple schematic diagram for transmission
o The radiation can be absorbed by the object. With absorption, the energy carried by the radiation is taken in by the object. The absorbed energy may act to raise the temperature of the object.
§ Draw simple schematic diagram for absorption
o The radiation can be scattered by the object. Scattering changes the direction that the radiation was moving. There is no energy absorption, just a re-direction of the radiation energy
§ Draw simple schematic diagram for scattering
n What actually happens (transmission, absorption, or scattering) depends on both the type of material that the object is made of and the type (or wavelength) of the radiation that hits it.
o For example, sand behaves differently than water, both of which behave differently than grass. The material snow will scatter most visible radiation that hits it, but will absorb most infrared radiation that hits it.
n The human eye is sensitive to visible radiation. Visible radiation originates from objects hot enough to emit visible light (e.g., the Sun, light bulbs, etc.). We are able to distinguish different “colors” (wavelengths) of visible light. When our eyes are hit by nearly equal amounts of all colors, we perceive the color white. For objects that do not emit visible light, we “see” that object based on it scatters visible light.
o Draw a simple diagram to show this
n We will now consider what happens to visible radiation from the Sun that encounters the Earth’s atmosphere. Some of it is transmitted, some is absorbed, and some is scattered.
o Draw a simple diagram to describe this
n All of the optical phenomena that we will describe here are the result of scattering. The scattering is done by molecules of gas in the atmosphere, cloud droplets, and aerosols. To first order, the properties of each scatterer depend on the size of the particle in relationship to the size of the wavelength of the radiation. We will not explain those details, only give the results …
o Clouds appear white because cloud droplets scatter all wavelengths of visible light about equally.
§ See figures 15.1 and 15.2.
§ It may be easier to understand what is going on by thinking of white light as being composed of individual photons of all visible colors. For cloud droplets each different “color” of visible photon is equally scattered.
o The sky appears blue (when you look away from the Sun) because individual gas molecules in the atmosphere scatter shorter wavelength visible light (blue) more efficiently than longer wavelength visible light (red).
§ Draw what happens when white light passes through a long tube of air.
§ See also figure 15.4.
§ You should realize that if visible light were not scattered by gas molecules (and/or aerosols) in the atmosphere, the sky would be black. Only light on a direct path from the Sun to your eyes would be seen … the sky away from the sun would be black (would be able to see stars even during the day).
o During sunrise and sunset, the disc of the Sun often appear red. At those times of day, sunlight travels through a long path in the atmosphere. What you see then is the light which has been transmitted through a long path in the atmosphere. Since most of the blue will be scattered out of this long path by gas molecules, the remaining transmitted light is red.
§ This was also shown on the previous diagram. Also see figure 15.8.
§ During most of the day the disc of the Sun looks white. This is because it is only when the sun is near the horizon that the path through the atmosphere is long enough to scatter away enough blue light from the direct beam to make the disc of sun look red.
o Haze is an atmospheric phenomenon where aerosols (e.g., dust, smoke, sea salt, etc.) obscure the clarity of the sky or affect visibility. The scattering and absorption properties of individual aerosols depend on the size and composition of the aerosol.
§ Some very interesting, but rare, optical phenomena can be caused by hazes which scatter or absorb different colors of visible light differently. For example some hazes scatter blue light more than red (like gas molecules), while other hazes may scatter red light more than blue. We will not discuss these rare cases.
§ Most often aerosols scatter (and/or absorb) all colors of light equally, so they appear white. The most noticeable affect of haze is usually a reduction in visibility wherein the sky takes on a whitish appearance. Many types of aerosols swell or expand as relative humidity increases, so haze is often more apparent in more humid climates.
· Draw diagram to show how haze limits visibility
· Explain “crepuscular rays” using figure 15.7.