April 23, 25, and 28, 2008 (Rest of lecture notes for the semester)


Seasons, Seasonal Changes on Earth (Chapter 2, p. 43 forward, continued)


n     Seasonal Changes in Length of Day

o      The second factor which regulates seasonal changes is the length of daylight. I'm sure most of you know that the number of hours of daylight is longer in the summer as compared to the winter. More hours of daylight translates to more hours of heating from the sun. Therefore, regions outside of the tropics receive more intense sunshine in summer as well as more hours of sunshine. As with solar angle at noon, there are mathematical formulas which one can use to calculate the number of daylight hours at any latitude for any day of the year, but they are complex, and we will not use them.  

§       I will try to show why the length of day is not the same at every location on Earth using the model globe and describing the geometry.


o      Interestingly, on the summer solstice, all places north of 66.5°N latitude (called the Arctic circle) have 24 hours of sunshine, while all places south of 66.5°S latitude (called the Antarctic circle) have 24 hours of darkness.

§       See also web-based animation linked on the lecture summary page


o      Similarly, on the winter solstice, all places north of 66.5°N latitude (called the Arctic circle) have 24 hours of darkness, while all places south of 66.5°S latitude (called the Antarctic circle) have 24 hours of sunshine.

§       See also web-based animation linked on the lecture summary page


In fact, this provides the astronomical definition for the Arctic and Antarctic regions, which are regions between 66.5° and 90° latitude where there is at least one day with 24 hours of sunshine and one day with 24 hours of darkness each year.


The following statement is a bit hard to show with a diagram, but with a little thought I think you can make sense of it.  The closer you are to the north and south pole, the greater the number of days with 24 hours of sunshine (and 24 hours of darkness). At 66.5° latitude, there is only one such day per year. At 90° latitude (north and south poles), there is sunshine 24 hours a day for half the year (6 consecutive months)  followed by 24 hours a day of darkness for the other half of the year (6 consecutive months). For example, there are more consecutive days per year with 24 hours of sunshine at 80° latitude than there are at 70° latitude.


o      Table 2.3 shows specifically how much variation there is in the length of day during the year at various latitudes.  As we go through the table, we can make the following general statements:

§       Seasonal changes in length of day (the difference between the longest and shortest days of the year) are smallest at the Equator and get larger and larger as you move toward higher latitudes.


§       At the Equator, every day of the year is 12 hours long.


§       On the days of the spring and fall equinoxes, all locations on Earth have 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness.  Equinox literally means equal hours of day and night.


§       From the spring equinox through the fall equinox, all places north of the Equator (Northern Hemisphere) have days longer than 12 hours and nights shorter than 12 hours.  Southern Hemisphere is opposite.

·       The further from the equator, the longer the day

·       The longest day of the year for all locations in the Northern Hemisphere (except within Arctic Circle) is the summer solstice.

·       Because the solar declination is north of the Equator and because the length of day is greater than 12 hours, during this period the Northern Hemisphere receives more energy from the Sun than the Southern Hemisphere.


§       From the fall equinox through the spring equinox, all places north of the Equator (Northern Hemisphere) have days shorter than 12 hours and nights longer than 12 hours.  Again Southern Hemisphere is opposite.

·       The further from the Equator, the shorter the day

·       The shortest day of the year for all locations in the Northern Hemisphere (except within the Arctic Circle) is the winter solstice.

·       Because the solar declination is south of the Equator and because the length of day is shorter than 12 hours, during this period the Northern Hemisphere receives less energy from the Sun than the Southern Hemisphere.


n     Seasonal Changes in the direction to sunrise and sunset

o      This is a minor item in that it has only a very small effect on the climate changes between summer and winter, but it is something that you may have noticed.  Many ancient civilizations used the variation in the direction to sunrise and sunset to construct yearly calendars (e.g., Stonehenge).


o      Contrary to popular belief, the sun does not rise directly east along the horizon and does not set directly west along the horizon each day.  The direction to sunrise and sunset changes during the year.

§       I will briefly try to show that with the model globe


o      Here is a brief summary of how the direction to sunrise/sunset change during the year at different locations around the globe

§       Only on the Equinox does the sun rise directly east and set directly west.  This is true everywhere on Earth

§       From the day after the spring equinox until the day before the fall equinox, the sun rises north of east and sets north of west everywhere on Earth

·       The summer solstice is the day when the sun rises the most north of east and the sun sets the most north of west everywhere on Earth

§       From the day after the fall equinox until the day before the spring equinox, the sun rises south of east and sets south of west everywhere on Earth

·       The winter solstice is the day when the sun rises the most south of east and the sun sets the most south of west everywhere on Earth

§       The smallest yearly change in the direction to sunrise and sunset happens at the Equator and the changes get larger and larger as one moves toward higher latitudes.

n     Take a brief look at the sun path diagrams shown in figure 2.24.  These show in diagrams many of the seasonal changes we have studied.


n     Finally, I want to point out the most often given wrong answer for why there are seasonal changes on Earth.  Many people think that seasonal changes are caused because the distance between the Earth and Sun changes during the year.  While this distance does change slightly because the Earth’s orbit is slightly elliptical (not completely circular), this slight change in distance has very little to do with seasonal changes.

o      This is obvious looking at figure 2.18.  The Earth is closest to the Sun on January 3rd, but this is obviously not the warmest time of year in the Northern hemisphere.  It is furthest away on July 3rd close to the warmest time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.


n     Seasons, popular usage

o      The above description of seasonal changes in the intensity and duration of sunshine are probably different from what you are used to. For example, the "summer season" is popularly defined as the season extending from the summer solstice (around June 21) through the fall equinox (around September 21). As we have seen, the day of maximum solar intensity (or maximum solar heating) in the northern hemisphere occurs on the summer solstice. You may wonder why summer solstice is not typically the warmest time of the year. The reason is that there is a lag between the maximum solar heating and the warmest time of the year. In the northern hemisphere, the warmest temperatures generally occur near the end of July and the beginning of August, even though the maximum heating from the sun happens on the summer solstice (around June 21).


o      To understand the lag between maximum solar heating and maximum temperatures, you must consider our simple relationship between energy transfer and temperature

§       As long as energy input is greater than energy output an object will warm, i.e., its temperature will increase.


§       To a large degree the temperature changes at a given place on the Earth can be explained by examining the radiational energy exchanges

·       Energy input is radiation absorbed from the Sun

·       Energy output is radiation emitted away

·       It takes some time for Earth's surface (land and ocean) to warm up from winter to summer. Even though the Sun's heating is most intense on the summer solstice, energy input to the northern hemisphere remains greater than energy output until about the beginning of August. Therefore, the warmest time of the year in the northern hemisphere does not happen on the summer solstice, but lags the summer solstice by just over one month.


o      Similar arguments can be applied to understand the lag between the day of minimum solar heating in the northern hemisphere (winter solstice around December 21) and the coldest time of the year in the northern hemisphere which occurs around the end of January. In this case, the energy output from the northern hemisphere is greater than the energy input from the sun until the end of January.


o      By the way, there is also a lag each day between the time of maximum solar heating (solar noon) and the time of the high temperature, which usually happens in the late afternoon (2:30-4:30 PM). Even though heating is maximum at noon, energy input from the sun remains greater than energy output (mainly in the form of radiation energy lost by the Earth) until late afternoon each day.


o      Thus the commonly used "summer season" contains the warmest time of the year in the northern hemisphere and the "winter season" contains the coldest time of the year in the northern hemisphere, even though they do not correspond with the astronomical terms "summer solstice" and "winter solstice".


o      As an example, let’s compare the differences in solar heating, average temperature, and trends in average temperature on the Spring Equinox (March 21) with the Fall Equinox (September 21) for Tucson.

§       The solar heating is the same on both dates. The solar declination is located at the equator, so the solar angle at noon in Tucson is 32° south of straight up. In addition, there are 12 hours of daylight on each date. The average temperature is much warmer on Sept 21 compared with Mar 21 because Sept 21 is much closer to the time of highest temperatures (end of July / beginning of August) than Mar 21. (For Tucson ave high is 74°F on Mar 21 and 93°F on Sept 21.) The trend on Mar 21 is for increasing temperatures as time moves forward (from the lowest temperature of the year (end of Jan) to the highest (end of July)). The trend on Sept 21 is for decreasing temperatures as time moves forward (from highest at end of July to lowest at end of January).


Overview for global climate on Earth (Chapter 2, pg. 35 forward)

n     Much of what we describe here is how the Earth’s global average climate functions … this will not explain many of the differences in climate that occur in different parts of Earth


n     Radiative Equilibrium Temperature of the planet Earth

o      Radiation is the only form of energy transfer that can move through the vacuum of outer space. Thus, radiation is the only way for energy to be transferred into or away from the planet Earth.

§       The original source of nearly all of the energy for the physical and biological processes that take place on Earth is radiation energy that came from the Sun.

·       The majority of the radiation energy from the Sun is in the form of visible radiation.  Thus, the Earth heats up mainly by absorbing visible radiation from the Sun.


§       The Earth continuously emits radiation energy off to space.

·       The majority of the radiation energy emitted by the Earth is in the form of infrared radiation.  Thus, the Earth cools down mainly be emitting infrared radiation out to space.


§       Over time these two processes must come into balance, i.e., radiation energy absorbed equaling radiation energy emitted, for the planet Earth to reach a steady average temperature.

·       If radiation energy absorbed by the Earth is greater than radiation energy emitted by the Earth, global average temperature increases


·       If radiation energy absorbed by the Earth is less than radiation energy emitted by the Earth, global average temperature decreases


·       But we know they are approximately in balance because the global average temperature changes little from year to year


§       Recall from our discussion about radiation … The higher the temperature of an object, the more radiation energy that the object emits.  The planet Earth absorbs some amount of radiation energy from the Sun.  In order for the radiation energy emitted by the planet Earth to equal the radiation energy that the planet Earth absorbs from the Sun, the planet Earth must come to a temperature called the radiative equilibrium temperature, which is the temperature where the radiation energy emitted equals that absorbed.

·       Perhaps surprisingly, the (global average) radiative equilibrium temperature for the planet Earth is a cold 0° F or -18° C.  Thus, when viewed from space, the planet Earth emits radiation energy at a rate that is characteristic of an object at a temperature of 0° F.

o      If there were no atmosphere, the average temperature of the Earth's surface would be equal to the radiative equilibrium temperature of 0°F. But the atmosphere acts to warm the surface through what is called the atmospheric greenhouse effect. The average surface temperature of the Earth is about 59°F.  You should understand that the average temperature at the Earth's surface does not have to be equal to the average temperature of the planet as a whole. For instance, we know that the temperature of the atmosphere near the tropopause is much colder than the temperature at the Earth's surface.


n     Overview for Incoming Solar Radiation

o      To determine the average temperature of the planet Earth, what is important is how much radiation energy from the Sun is absorbed by the planet. The amount of radiation energy that hits the planet can be calculated using the temperature of the Sun, the distance from the Sun to the Earth and the size of the Earth. However, not all of this radiation is absorbed. Some is scattered back to space. Only the absorbed radiation goes into heating the Earth.

§       Figure 2.15 illustrates what happens to the solar radiation energy that strikes the planet Earth (at the top of the atmosphere)

·       30% is scattered back to space (reflected away)

o      20% by clouds, 6% by gases/aerosols, 4% by Earth’s surface

·       70% is absorbed

o      51% by the Earth’s surface, 19% by the atmosphere


o      The above numbers represent a global average for the planet Earth. At any one location and time, the numbers vary considerably. For example, where there are thick clouds, a large fraction of the incoming solar energy is reflected back to space. But clouds only cover about one half of the Earth's surface at any given time. So you can see that any change in the global amount of cloud cover will have a large impact on the average temperature of the Earth.


o      In fact anything that causes a change in the amount of solar energy that the Earth absorbs from the sun may result in a climate change in temperature. This includes but is not limited to

§       Changes in the energy output of the Sun

§       Changes in the concentration of aerosols in the atmosphere, which can absorb and scatter radiation from the sun. There are natural and human-caused changes in aerosol concentrations and properties.

§       Changes in cloud cover and changes in the radiation properties of clouds, i.e., some clouds better reflect radiation from the Sun than other clouds.

§       Changes in the reflective properties of the Earth's surface, e.g., when humans convert forest to croplands.


n     Overview for the atmospheric greenhouse effect

o      The average temperature of the planet Earth (based on the amount of radiation energy that the planet emits to space) is quite a bit colder than the average temperature of the Earth's surface. The reason this is possible is because the atmosphere plays a large roll in the emission of infrared radiation out to space. In effect, it restricts the flow of infrared radiation out to space. This is known as the greenhouse effect.

§       A simplified diagram to help you understand the basics of the greenhouse effect will be drawn in class.


o      Basics for the greenhouse effect

§       The atmosphere allows the majority of the Sun's radiation (visible radiation) to pass through to the surface where much of it is absorbed and goes into heating the surface.


§       The atmosphere absorbs the majority of radiation emitted from the surface of the Earth (infrared radiation). This energy is not lost to space, so it does not cool the planet.

·       Each type of gas molecule in the atmosphere interacts differently with radiation, however, in the atmosphere of Earth, it is mainly water vapor (primarily) and carbon dioxide (secondarily) that determine the strength of the greenhouse effect. These are the most important greenhouse gases. Keep in mind that water vapor and carbon dioxide are trace gases in the atmosphere of Earth.


·       Clouds absorb infrared photons very efficiently, and in essence contribute to the greenhouse effect.


§       The atmosphere emits infrared radiation in all directions. The part of the radiation that is emitted downward is absorbed by the Earth's surface further warming it, that is, the Earth's surface receives radiation energy from both the Sun and the atmosphere, and therefore is warmer than if there were no atmospheric greenhouse effect.


§       Another way to think of it is that not all of the radiation energy emitted by the surface is lost to space. A good portion of that energy is absorbed by the atmosphere and then returned to the surface, slowing the overall rate of energy loss from the surface, thus keeping it warmer.


o      You should understand that the natural greenhouse effect on Earth is not a bad thing. In fact it is necessary for life as we know it to exist. If there were no greenhouse effect, the temperature of the Earth's surface would be 0°F, and most water would be frozen. The concern with global warming is that of an enhanced greenhouse effect whereby the surface temperature of the Earth will increase above the present value of 59°F. One way this could happen is by increasing the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It is a fact that human activities are adding greenhouse gases to that atmosphere and that their concentrations in the atmosphere are increasing.

§       While this is the basis for the global warming concern, in reality our understanding of the global climate system is not good enough to project exactly what will happen as we continue to add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.  In spite of what Al Gore has said, we cannot scientifically conclude that the inhabitants of the Earth are headed for certain doom.  This is a complex issue that we do not have time to cover in this course.


n     The Overall Global Average Energy Balance for the Earth

o      This is summarized in figure 2.16.  A few comments are provided below:


o      The planet Earth is in radiation balance. The energy in (absorbed radiation from the Sun = 70 units) is equal to the energy out (radiation emitted out to space = 70 units)


o      The Earth’s surface must also be in energy balance otherwise its temperature would be changing.  Energy in (absorption of solar radiation plus absorption of radiation from the atmosphere = 147 units) equals energy out (emission of radiation plus latent heat flux plus sensible heat flux = 147 units)

§       An interesting point here is that the Earth's surface actually receives more radiation energy from the atmosphere than from the Sun. How is this possible?


§       Note also that the Earth’s surface absorbs more radiation energy (147 units) than it emits (117 units).  The majority of this excess radiation energy is used to evaporate water from the surface.  The cycling of water between the surface and the atmosphere is essential for life on land and obviously very important in understanding how the global climate functions.


o      The Earth’s atmosphere must also be in energy balance otherwise its average temperature would be changing and total energy input (160 units) equals the total energy output (160 units).

§       Note here that the atmosphere actually emits more radiation energy (160 units) than it absorbs (130 units).  The majority of this radiation energy deficit is made up for by latent heat release as water vapor condenses to clouds.


n     A few comments with regard to global climate change

o      We can now see how moist convection fits into the overall energy balance for the Earth.  This system is very complicated and interconnected.  For example, the clouds produced by moist convection, strongly influence the radiational energy exchanges (because clouds reflect solar radiation, and also absorb infrared radiation emitted from the Earth’s surface).  A change in radiation then affects the evaporation of water and so on.

o      With regard to global warming …Using the same units as in figure 2.16, the estimated increase in downward infrared radiation from the atmosphere to the surface due to human-added greenhouse gases is 0.7 units.  This is a rather small change compared to the size of the other numbers in the diagram.  With all of the possible complicated and not well understood interactions among the components of this energy balance figure, we are uncertain as to what the ultimate outcome of adding greenhouse gases has been and will be in the future.

§       The increase in downward infrared radiation from the atmosphere to the surface could be offset by a slight change in global average cloud cover, for example (negative feedbacks).


§       On the other hand, the global climate system may respond by amplifying the effects of adding greenhouse gases, resulting in the surface warming more than expected (positive feedbacks).


n     Radiation balance as a function of latitude

o      On a global annual average, the planet earth is in radiation balance, but this is not true at every single location at all times of the year.  In fact radiational imbalances at different latitudes drive horizontal weather and ocean circulations that transport energy from the tropics where there is a surplus of radiation energy (solar radiation absorbed > radiation emitted to space) to the polar regions where there is a deficit of radiation energy (solar radiation absorbed < radiation emitted to space).

§       Figure 2.17 shows this.


§       The red line in the figure represents the solar radiation energy absorbed by the surface and atmosphere.  You should understand its shape based on the seasonal changes we have already covered … the greatest amount of solar energy is absorbed in the tropics and least at the poles.


§       The blue line represents the radiation energy emitted from the atmosphere and surface to space.  You should understand its shape.  The radiation energy emitted depends on temperature  the warmest regions (the tropics) will emit more radiation energy than the coldest regions (the polar areas).


§       The surplus label shows where solar energy absorbed is greater than infrared radiation emitted to space, while the deficit label shows where solar energy absorbed is less than infrared energy emitted.

·       These radiation imbalances alone would cause the tropics to get warmer and the polar regions to get colder with time.


·       However, is not happening because energy is transferred from the surplus region to the deficit region by weather or atmospheric circulations (60%) and ocean currents (40%).


·       Another way to look at it is that atmospheric and oceanic circulations moderate the temperature differences between the tropics and the polar regions. If these circulations did not occur, the tropics would be much hotter and the polar regions would be much colder.


End of Quiz 6 Material