April 23, 25, and 28, 2008 (Rest of lecture notes for
the semester)
Seasons, Seasonal Changes on Earth (Chapter 2, p. 43
forward, continued)
n Seasonal Changes in Length of Day
o The second factor which regulates seasonal changes is the length of daylight. I'm sure most of you know that the number of hours of daylight is longer in the summer as compared to the winter. More hours of daylight translates to more hours of heating from the sun. Therefore, regions outside of the tropics receive more intense sunshine in summer as well as more hours of sunshine. As with solar angle at noon, there are mathematical formulas which one can use to calculate the number of daylight hours at any latitude for any day of the year, but they are complex, and we will not use them.
§ I will try to show why the length of day is not the same at every location on Earth using the model globe and describing the geometry.
o Interestingly, on the summer solstice, all places north of 66.5°N latitude (called the Arctic circle) have 24 hours of sunshine, while all places south of 66.5°S latitude (called the Antarctic circle) have 24 hours of darkness.
§ See also web-based animation linked on the lecture summary page
o Similarly, on the winter solstice, all places north of 66.5°N latitude (called the Arctic circle) have 24 hours of darkness, while all places south of 66.5°S latitude (called the Antarctic circle) have 24 hours of sunshine.
§ See also web-based animation linked on the lecture summary page
In fact, this provides the astronomical definition for the
The following statement is a bit hard to show with a diagram, but with a little thought I think you can make sense of it. The closer you are to the north and south pole, the greater the number of days with 24 hours of sunshine (and 24 hours of darkness). At 66.5° latitude, there is only one such day per year. At 90° latitude (north and south poles), there is sunshine 24 hours a day for half the year (6 consecutive months) followed by 24 hours a day of darkness for the other half of the year (6 consecutive months). For example, there are more consecutive days per year with 24 hours of sunshine at 80° latitude than there are at 70° latitude.
Table 2.3
shows specifically how much variation there is in the length of day during
the year at various latitudes. As we go
through the table, we can make the following general statements:
Seasonal changes in length of day (the
difference between the longest and shortest days of the year) are smallest at
the Equator and get larger and larger as you move toward higher latitudes.
At the Equator, every day of the year is 12 hours
On the days of the spring and fall equinoxes,
all locations on Earth have 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. Equinox literally means equal hours of day
and night.
From the spring equinox through the fall
equinox, all places north of the Equator (Northern Hemisphere) have days longer
than 12 hours and nights shorter than 12 hours.
Southern Hemisphere is opposite.
The further from the equator, the longer the day
The longest day of the year for all locations in
the Northern Hemisphere (except within
the solar declination is north of the Equator and because the length of day is
greater than 12 hours, during this period the Northern Hemisphere receives more
energy from the Sun than the Southern Hemisphere.
From the fall equinox through the spring
equinox, all places north of the Equator (Northern Hemisphere) have days
shorter than 12 hours and nights longer than 12 hours. Again
Southern Hemisphere is opposite.
The further from the Equator, the shorter the
The shortest day of the year for all locations
in the Northern Hemisphere (except within the
the solar declination is south of the Equator and because the length of day is
shorter than 12 hours, during this period the Northern Hemisphere receives less
energy from the Sun than the Southern Hemisphere.
n Seasonal Changes in the direction to sunrise and sunset
This is a minor item in that it has only a very
small effect on the climate changes between summer and winter, but it is
something that you may have noticed.
Many ancient civilizations used the variation in the direction to
sunrise and sunset to construct yearly calendars (e.g.,
o Contrary to popular belief, the sun does not rise directly east along the horizon and does not set directly west along the horizon each day. The direction to sunrise and sunset changes during the year.
§ I will briefly try to show that with the model globe
o Here is a brief summary of how the direction to sunrise/sunset change during the year at different locations around the globe
§ Only on the Equinox does the sun rise directly east and set directly west. This is true everywhere on Earth
§ From the day after the spring equinox until the day before the fall equinox, the sun rises north of east and sets north of west everywhere on Earth
· The summer solstice is the day when the sun rises the most north of east and the sun sets the most north of west everywhere on Earth
§ From the day after the fall equinox until the day before the spring equinox, the sun rises south of east and sets south of west everywhere on Earth
· The winter solstice is the day when the sun rises the most south of east and the sun sets the most south of west everywhere on Earth
§ The smallest yearly change in the direction to sunrise and sunset happens at the Equator and the changes get larger and larger as one moves toward higher latitudes.
n Take a brief look at the sun path diagrams shown in figure 2.24. These show in diagrams many of the seasonal changes we have studied.
n Finally, I want to point out the most often given wrong answer for why there are seasonal changes on Earth. Many people think that seasonal changes are caused because the distance between the Earth and Sun changes during the year. While this distance does change slightly because the Earth’s orbit is slightly elliptical (not completely circular), this slight change in distance has very little to do with seasonal changes.
o This is obvious looking at figure 2.18. The Earth is closest to the Sun on January 3rd, but this is obviously not the warmest time of year in the Northern hemisphere. It is furthest away on July 3rd close to the warmest time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.
n Seasons, popular usage
o The above description of seasonal changes in the intensity and duration of sunshine are probably different from what you are used to. For example, the "summer season" is popularly defined as the season extending from the summer solstice (around June 21) through the fall equinox (around September 21). As we have seen, the day of maximum solar intensity (or maximum solar heating) in the northern hemisphere occurs on the summer solstice. You may wonder why summer solstice is not typically the warmest time of the year. The reason is that there is a lag between the maximum solar heating and the warmest time of the year. In the northern hemisphere, the warmest temperatures generally occur near the end of July and the beginning of August, even though the maximum heating from the sun happens on the summer solstice (around June 21).
o To understand the lag between maximum solar heating and maximum temperatures, you must consider our simple relationship between energy transfer and temperature
§ As long as energy input is greater than energy output an object will warm, i.e., its temperature will increase.
§ To a large degree the temperature changes at a given place on the Earth can be explained by examining the radiational energy exchanges
· Energy input is radiation absorbed from the Sun
· Energy output is radiation emitted away