February 15, 2008


Answer any questions about homework #3


Review / Finish Occluded fronts

n     An occluded front is a complex frontal system that ideally forms when a cold front overtakes a warm front.  Three distinct air masses are involved.  Figure 8.23c in the textbook shows a “typical” orientation of a cold and a warm front associated with a surface low pressure.  Because cold fronts generally move faster than warm fronts, the cold front can “catch up to” or overtake part of the warm frontal boundary, which forms an occluded front.

o      Draw sequence of figures showing this and weather map symbol for occluded front.

o      Show difference between a cold-type and a warm-type occlusion.

o      Also look at figures 8.20 (cold-type) and 8.21 (warm-type) occlusions.




n     Cyclogenesis is the development and strengthening of a middle latitude cyclone.  A cyclone is the name given to an area of surface low pressure.  In the Northern Hemisphere, winds around a cyclone are generally counterclockwise (or cyclonic), and also inward.  Note that surface high pressure areas are sometimes called anti-cyclones, with clockwise (or anti-cyclonic) air flow.


n     We are interested in the formation and strengthening cyclones (surface lows) because this is where the interesting weather occurs … recall near surface lows get surface convergence, rising air motion, and possible development and clouds and precipitation.


n     Cyclogenesis is most likely to occur along frontal boundaries because this is a place where energy is available for the storm to strengthen.  

o      The energy available near a frontal boundary is the potential energy derived from the density contrast between warm and cold air.

§       Draw a simple diagram sequence to show this.


n     Polar Front Theory is a rather idealized step by step sequence for the strengthening of surface lows (cyclogenesis) and later their eventual dissipation.  Figure 8.23 in the textbook show pictorially what is happening step by step.

o      In the idealized model for cyclogenesis, the initial condition shows a stationary front separating a cold and warm air mass, both of which are dominated by a large high pressure area near the center of the air mass.  (draw figure)


o      In the next stage, the frontal surface starts to deform.  The winds blowing in opposing directions of either side of the front, cause the development of a cyclonic or counterclockwise twist to the air flow.  We now see both a cold and warm front starting to develop. (draw figure)


o      The next stage is a more developed surface low pressure area.  We begin to see more tightly packed isobars as the surface pressure falls near the developing cyclone and wind speeds increase.  Potential energy is being converted to kinetic energy of motion as the low strengthens. (draw figure)


o      Usually the cold front moves faster than the warm front and an occlusion begins to develop.  This often indicates the mature stage of the cyclone, with strong surface winds and a large area of precipitation. (draw figure)


o      As the warm air mass at the ground is squeezed out or becomes located far away from the low, the supply of warm air rising over the cold air is lost … the source of energy is lost … and the cyclone dissipates and dies. (draw figure).


o      Review this by looking at sequence shown in figure 8.23 of textbook.


n     Upper air support or upper tropospheric support

o      The determination of whether or not a surface low pressure area will develop and strengthen depends critically on what is going on with the wind flow in the middle and upper troposphere.  In fact, for a surface low to intensify with time, there MUST be divergence occurring in the upper troposphere above the surface low.

§       Recall that the surface air pressure is caused by all the weight of the air in a column above the surface.  Suppose we have a surface low with no divergence occurring aloft.  Air is converging at the surface, bring air into the column above the low … this would act to raise the surface pressure (more weight of air in column), which weakens the low with time.

§       In order for a low to strengthen (lower surface pressure) with time, there must be more weight of air leaving the column than entering it.  Thus, we can make the following conclusions:

·       If upper level divergence > surface convergence, low strengthens

·       If upper level divergence = surface convergence, low is steady

·       If upper level  divergence < surface convergence, low weakens

·       Similar arguments can be used to determine the conditions necessary for surface high pressure areas to strengthen or weaken.


o      Cyclogenesis is most likely to occur just downwind of a 500 mb trough, where there is upper-tropospheric divergence occurring.

§       Show figure 8.28 from textbook

Review / Summary

n     The 500 mb height pattern allows us to visualize the position of the boundary between colder air to the north and warmer air to the south (i.e., the trough / ridge pattern).  This boundary is sometimes called the polar front.


n     Cyclogenesis is most likely to occur along this boundary, especially just downstream of a 500 mb trough, while surface highs are more likely to be found just downstream of 500 mb ridges.  Surface lows and highs are “steered” around by the 500 mb winds.

o      Show this by again looking at figure 8.28 from textbook.


n     Draw a figure showing a top-down view of both the 500 mb height pattern and the idealized positions of a surface low and high.


Polar Jet Stream

n     The Polar Jet Stream is a very fast moving current of air located near the top of the troposphere (typically about 10 km above the surface where air pressure is about 250mb).


n     Ideally the polar jet stream is located above the polar front.  Energetically, the polar jet stream can be explained by the large pressure gradient that occurs about 10 km above the surface position of the polar front.

o      Draw figure showing that the largest pressure gradient will be found near the top of the troposphere, above the polar front, and thus the strongest winds occur above the polar front near the top of the troposphere.


n     The name jet stream was coined because high-flying military pilots encountered them during World War II. The polar jet stream generally flows from west to east, but follows a wavy path with troughs and ridges, just like the 500 mb flow. Today, commercial jets fly at altitudes near the jet stream. This is why flights from west to east are generally faster than flights from east to west.


n     The position of the polar jet stream can be used like the 500 mb flow pattern to infer information about the large scale weather pattern.  In fact the height pattern on the 250 mb upper air map is usually similar to the height pattern on the 500 mb map.  One reason I am including this information is that weather forecasters often show the position of the jet stream as part of their weather discussion and explanation.

o      It delineates the warm / cold boundary or the position of the polar front.  Colder air is to the north of the jet stream and warmer air is south of the jet stream.  Thus the jet stream typically flows west to east, but follows the wavy pattern of the troughs and ridges.

o      Rising motion, cyclogenesis, and stormy weather are most likely to occur just downwind of jet stream troughs in association with upper level divergence.


n     Show link to the current and forecasted positions of the polar jet stream.


n     Show link to 3-D idealized figure of mid-latitude flow patterns at the surface, 500 mb, and the jet stream level.


End Quiz #2 Material