Topic #2 - The Earth's Changing Climate
In class we had a quick look at how human activities might be
changing climate. This section from the textbook discusses some
of the
large changes in the earth's climate that were not caused by man.
You will also learn more about some of the techniques that scientists
have used to determine past climates.
You can earn up to 9 pts on the content portion of your report and up
to 6 pts for writing quality.
Content points will be awarded approximately
as follows:
Up to 2.5 pts for listing and discussing some of the techniques
scientists have used to determine past climates.
Up to 2.5 pts for a discussion of climates in the fairly distant
past. The earth is currently in an ice age, when did it
begin? For the last 1 or 2 million years the climate has
alternated between glacial and interglacial periods. What
significant climatic events have there been in the past 20,000 years or
so (i.e. mid-Holocene climatic optimum, Younger-Dryas event)?
Up to 2.5 pts for a description of some of the climatic events that
have occurred in the past 1000 years (Medieval warm period, Little Ice
Age, Year without a summer)
Up to 1.5 pts for some discussion of the warming trend that has taken
place in the past 100 years or so.
Up to 1 pt for an explanation of the thermohaline (conveyor belt) ocean
circulation and its effect on climate.
To maximize your chances of earning a
high writing quality grade:
Explain the material in your own
words - your report should be your understanding and explanation of the
material. Avoid generalites, try to should include specific
details and examples from the reading section. Your report should
be well organized and the separate
sections or paragraphs of your paper should blend together into one
seamless coherent report. Your report should be
nearly free of misspelled words and grammatical errors.