Thursday Mar. 27, 2008

Sorry these notes have taken so long to appear,
I have been working on a preliminary version of the Quiz #3 Study Guide

The revised Expt. #2 reports were due today.

The Experiment #3 reports are due next Tuesday.
Bring in your materials to my office (PAS 588) and pick up the supplementary information sheet.

The list that you DO NOT want to find your name on is working.

Work being returned today:
Monday's in class Optional Assignment

A new Optional Assignment due at the start of class next Thursday was handed out.
That makes two optional assignments that are due next week; a controls of temperature assignment and a humidity assignment.
One additional handout to check your understanding of humidity variables (see below)

Some good & surprising news coming during class today
But it was a close call

Here's a copy of a handout distributed near the end of class on Tuesday.  I thought it best not to discuss in class then, that would have been too much material for one day. 

This is the front side of the handout.  These are "sunpath diagrams."  The drawings show the path the sun follows across the sky in Tucson on the winter solstice, the equinoxes, and the summer solstice.

One of the interesting things that happens on the equinoxes is that the sun rises in the east and sets exactly in the west.  This is shown below.

The sun will start of the eastern horizon on the sun path diagram and then move upward and into the southern sky.

You would need to look south and about 60 degrees above the horizon to see the sun at noon.

Finally the sun sets exactly in the west.

Days increase in length between Dec. 21 and June 21, then decrease between June 21 and Dec. 21.  December 21 is the shortest day of the year, June 21 is the longest day of the year.  Days are less than 12 hours long between Sept. 21 and Mar. 21 and greater than 12 hours long between Mar 21 and Sept. 21.  Days are exactly 12 hours long on the two equinoxes.

In the summer and winter the sun sets a little north and south of west, respectively (the sun sets around 4:30 pm in the winter and about 7:30 pm in the summer in Tucson).   One fall equinox several years ago I sat out in the median of Speedway pointed my camera west and took a multiple exposure of the sunset.  The slide was shown in class.

If you are driving west on Speedway (or another E-W oriented street) at around 6:30 pm on either the spring or the fall equinox, the sun will be shining directly in your face.  You really need to check this out.  The following article is an example of what can then happen

The accident occurred near The University at or near the equinox about the time of sunset.  The driver might really not have seen the pedestrian in the crosswalk.  You should be a little more careful than normal when crossing east-west oriented streets early and late in the day at this time of year.

Now I can tell you what the good news is.
Do you remember the online notes concerning sunpath diagrams that I might have told you to fear?
I have decided not to include all of that material on the next quiz.  You will be responsible for just the material on the handout that we just reviewed.

One Tuesday we worked through a bunch of humidity example problems.  The main reason for doing that was to give you some feeling for how variables such as mixing ratio, relative humidity, saturation mixing ratio, and dew point temperature change when you warm or cool moist air.  After you have had a chance to study those example problems (and you should do that now rather than waiting until a day or two before the next quiz) you should be able to fill in all the blanks on the following take-home, test-yourself worksheet:

You'll find the answers at the end of today's notes.

Next we will use what we have learned about humidity variables (what they tell you about the air and what causes them to change value) to learn some new things.

At Point 1 we start with some 90 F air with a relative humidity of 25%, fairly dry air (these data are the same as in Problem #4 covered on Tuesday).  Point 2 shows the air being cooled to the dew point, that is where the relative humidity would reach 100% and a cloud would form.    Then the air is cooled below the dew point, to 30 F.  Point 3 shows the 30 F air can't hold the 7.5 g/kg of water vapor that was originally found in the air.  The excess moisture must condense (we will assume it falls out of the air as rain or snow).  When air reaches 30 F it contains less than half the moisture (3 g/kg) that it originally did (7.5 g/kg).  Next, Point 4, the 30 F air is warmed back to 90 F, the starting temperature, Point 5.  The air now has a RH of only 10%.

Cooling moist below its dew point, drying moist moist, air is like wringing moisture from a wet sponge.

You start to squeeze the sponge and nothing happens at first (that's like cooling the air, the mixing ratio stays constant as long as the air doesn't lose any water vapor).  Eventually water will start to drop from the sponge (with air this is what happens when you reach the dew point and continue to cool the air below the dew point).  Then you let go of the sponge and let it expand back to its orignal shape and size (the air warms back to its original temperature).  The sponge (and the air) will be drier than when you started.

This sort of process ("squeezing" water vapor out of moist air by cooling the air below its dew point) happens all the time.  Here are a couple of examples.

In the winter cold air is brought inside your house or apartment and warmed.  Imagine 30 F air with a RH of 100% (this is a best case scenario, the cold winter air usually has a lower dew point and is drier). Bringing the air inside and warming it will cause the RH to drop from 100% to 20%..  Air indoors during the winter is often very dry.

The air in an airplane comes from outside the plane.  The air outside the plane can be very cold (-60 F perhaps) and contains very little water vapor (even if the -60 F air is saturated it would contain essentially no water vapor).  When brought inside and  warmed to a comfortable temperature, the RH of the air in the plane will be very close 0%.  Passengers often complain of becoming dehydrated on long airplane flights.  The plane's ventilation system probably adds moisture to the air so that it doesn't get that dry.

Here's a very important example, the rain shadow effect (the figure was redrawn after class for clarity).

We start with some moist but unsaturated air (RH is about 50%) at Point 1.  As it is moving toward the right the air runs into a mountain and starts to rise (see the note below).  Unsaturated air cools 10 C for every kilometer of altitude gain.  This is known as the dry adiabatic lapse rate.  So in rising 1 km the air will cool to 10 C which is the dew point.

The air becomes saturated at Point 2, you would see a cloud appear.  Rising saturated air cools at a slower rate than unsaturated air.  We'll use a value of 6 C/km (an average value).  The air cools from 10 C to 4 C in next kilometer up to the top of the mountain.  Because the air is being cooled below its dew point at Point 3, some of the water vapor will condense and fall to the ground as rain. 

At Point 4 the air starts back down the right side of the mountain.  Sinking air is compressed and warms.  As soon as the air starts to sink and warm, the relative humidity drops below 100% and the cloud evaporates.  The sinking air will warm at the 10 C/km rate. 

At Point 5 the air ends up warmer (24 C vs 20 C) and drier (Td = 4 C vs Td = 10 C) than when it started out.  The downwind side of the mountain is referred to as a "rain shadow" because rain is less likely there than on the upwind side of the mountain.  Rain is less likely because the air is sinking and because the air on the downwind side is drier than it was on the upslope side.

Most of the year the air that arrives in Arizona comes from the Pacific Ocean.  It usually isn't very moist by the time it reaches Arizona because it has travelled up and over the Sierra Nevada mountains in California and the Sierra Madre mountains further south in Mexico.  The air loses much of its moisture on the western slopes of those mountains.

NOTE:  The figure above illustrates
orographic or topographic lifting.  It is one of  4 ways of causing air to rise.  We have already run into the other three in class this semester. They were: convergence (surface winds spiral into centers of low pressure), convection (warm air rises), and fronts.  Rising air is important because rising air expands and cools.  Cooling moist air raises the relative humidity and a cloud might form.

Finally we learned about a simple instrument used to measure humidity, a sling psychrometer.

A sling psychrometer consists of two thermometers mounted side by side.  One is an ordinary thermometer, the other is covered with a wet piece of cloth.  To make a humidity measurement you swing the psychrometer around for a minute or two and then read the temperatures from the two thermometers.  The dry - wet thermometer (dry and wet bulb) temperature difference can be used to determine relative humidity and dew point (see Appendix D at the back of the textbook).

The figure at upper left shows what will happen as you start to swing the wet bulb thermometer.  Water will begin to evaporate from the wet piece of cloth.  The amount or rate of evaporation will depend on the water temperature (the 80 F value was just made up in this example).  Warm water evaporates at a higher rate than cool water.  If you haven't already done so (which I'm guessing you haven't) you might have a look at the online notes concerning water vapor saturation.

The evaporation is shown as blue arrows because this will cool the thermometer.  The same thing would happen if you were to step out of a swimming pool on a warm dry day, you would feel cold.  Swamp coolers would work well on a day like this.

The figure at upper left also shows one arrow of condensation.  The amount or rate of condensation depends on how much water vapor is in the air surrounding the thermometer.  In this case (low relative humidity) there isn't much water vapor.  The condensation arrow is orange because the condensation will release latent heat and warm the thermometer.

Because there is more evaporation (4 arrows) than condensation (1 arrow) the wet bulb thermometer will drop. 

Note in the bottom left figure we imagine that the wet bulb thermometer has cooled to 60 F.  Because the wet piece of cloth is cooler, there is less evaporation.  The wet bulb thermometer has cooled to a temperature where the evaporation and condensation are in balance.  The thermometer won't cool any further.

You would measure a large difference (20 F) between the dry and wet bulb thermometers on a day like this when the air is relatively dry.

The air temperature is the same in this example, but there is more water vapor in the air.  You wouldn't feel as cold if you stepped out of a pool on a warm humid day like this.  Swamp coolers wouldn't provide much cooling on a day like this.

There are four arrows of evaporation (because the water temperature is still 80 F just as it was in the previous example) and three arrows now of condensation (due to the increased amount of water vapor in the air surrounding the thermometer).  The wet bulb thermometer will cool but won't get as cold as in the previous example. 

The wet bulb thermometer might well only cool to 75 F.  This might be enough to lower the rate of evaporation (from 4 arrows to 3 arrows) enough to bring it into balance with the rate of condensation.

You would measure a small difference (5 F) between the dry and wet bulb thermometers on a humid day like this.

There won't be any difference in the dry and wet bulb temperatures when the RH=100%.  The rates at which water is evaporating and water vapor is condensing are equal.  The dry and wet bulb thermometers would both read 80 F.

The next 1S1P assignment will probably be made next week.  You will again be able to choose from 2 or 3 (or more) topics and will have a couple of weeks to write your report.

If there is a particular topic that you would like to see included in the next 1S1P assignment please let me know.

Next we'll be covering several of the phenomena shown below.

It turns out that it is much easier for water vapor to condense onto something rather than just forming a small droplet of pure water (you'll find some discussion of this on p. 92 in the photocopied Class Notes, that's optional reading).   Near the ground water vapor will condense onto cold objects on the ground (the grass, automobile, and newspaper above).  In air above the ground water vapor condenses onto small particles in the air called condensation nuclei. 

It might be a little hard to figure out what is being illustrated here.  Point 1 is sometime in the early evening when the temperature of the air at ground level is 65.  By the next morning the air has cooled to 35 F.  When the air temperature reaches 40 F, the dew point, the relative humidity reaches 100% and water vapor begins to condense onto the ground.  You would find your newspaper and your covered with dew the next morning.

The next night is similar except that the nighttime minimum temperature drops below freezing.  The dew that covers everything on the ground freezes and turns to ice.  This isn't frost, rather frozen dew.  Because quite a bit of water vapor condensed and then froze, the layer of ice on your automobile windshield can be thick and difficult to scrape off.

For frost to form, the dew point and the minimum temperature must both below freezing.  When the RH reaches 100% the water vapor turns directly to ice (deposition).

The dew point is often so low that the air never reaches the dew point during the night.  The relative humidity never reaches 100%.

When air above the ground reaches 100% relative humidity it is much easier for water vapor to condense onto small particles in the air called condensation nuclei than to just form a small droplet of water.  There are hundreds even thousands of these small particles in every cubic centimeter of air.  We can't see them because they are so small.

You can learn why it is so hard to form small droplets of pure water by reading the top of p. 92 in the photocopied class notes.

Water vapor will condense onto certain kinds of condensation nuclei even when the relative humidity is below 100% (again you will find some explanation of this on the bottom of p. 92).  These are called hygroscopic nuclei.

A short video showed how water vapor would, over time, preferentially condense onto small grains of salt rather than small spheres of glass.

The start of the video at left showed the small grains of salt were placed on a platform in a petri dish containing water.  Some small spheres of glass were placed in the same dish.  After about 1 hour small drops of water had formed around each of the grains of salt (shown above at right).  The figure above wasn't shown in class.

In humid parts of the US, water will condense onto the grains of salt in a salt shaker causing them to stick together.  Grains of rice apparently will keep this from happening and allow the salt to flow freely out of the shaker when needed.

This figure (redrawn after class for improved clarity) shows how cloud condensation nuclei and increasing relative humidity can affect the appearance of the sky and the visibility.

The air in the left most figure is relatively dry.  Even though the condensation nuclei particles are too small to be seen with the human eye you can tell they are there because they scatter sunlight.  When you look at the sky you see the deep blue color caused by scattering of sunlight by air molecules mixed together with some white light scattered by the condensation nuclei.  This changes the color of the sky from a deep blue to a bluish white color.  The more particles there are the whiter the sky becomes.  This is called "dry haze."

The middle picture shows what happens when you drive from the dry southwestern part of the US into the humid southeastern US.  One of the first things you would notice is the hazier appearance of the air and a decrease in visibility.  Because the relative humidity is high, water vapor begins to condense onto some of the condensation nuclei particles (the hygroscopic nuclei) in the air and forms small water droplets.  The water droplets scatter more sunlight than just small particles alone.  The increase in the amount of scattered light is what gives the air its hazier appearance. This is called "wet haze."

Finally when the relative humidity increases to 100% fog forms.  Fog can cause a severe drop in the visibility.  The thickest fog forms in dirty air that contains lots of condensation nuclei.  We will see this effect in the cloud-in-a-bottle demonstration coming up next.

Cooling air and changing relative humidity, condensation nuclei, and scattering of light are all involved in this demonstration.

We used a strong thick-walled 4 liter flask (flasks like this are designed not to implode when all of the air is pumped out of them, they aren't designed not explode when pressurized).  There was a little water in the bottom of the flask to moisten the air in the flask.  Next we pressurized the air in the flask.  At some point the pressure blows the cork out of the top of the flask (hopefully).  The air in the flask expands outward and cools.  This sudden cooling increases the relative humidity of the moist air in the flask to 100% (probably more than 100%) and water vapor condenses onto cloud condensation nuclei in the air.  A cloud became visible at this point.  The cloud droplets are too small to be seen with the human eye.  You can see the cloud because the water droplets scatter light.

The demonstration was repeated an additional time with one small change.  A burning match was dropped into the bottle.  The smoke from the match added lots of very small particles, condensation nuclei, to the air in the flask.  The cloud that formed this time was somewhat "thicker" and easier to see.


The next two figures weren't shown in class.

Clouds are one of the best ways of cleaning the atmosphere (cloud droplets form on particles, the droplets clump together to form a raindrop, and the raindrop carries the particles to the ground).  A raindrop can contain 1 million cloud droplets so a single raindrop can remove a lot of particles from the air.  You may have noticed how clear the air seems the day after a rainstorm.  Gaseous pollutants can dissolve in the water droplets and be carried to the ground by rainfall also.

A cloud that forms in dirty air is composed of a large number of small droplets (right figure above).  This cloud is more reflective than a cloud that forms in clean air, that is composed of a smaller number of larger droplets (left figure).  

This is has implications for climate change.  Combustion of fossil fuels adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.  There is concern that increasing carbon dioxide concentrations will enhance the greenhouse effect and cause global warming.  Combustion also adds condensation nuclei to the atmosphere (just like the burning match added smoke to the air in the flask).  More condensation nuclei might make it easier for clouds to form, might make the clouds more reflective, and might cause cooling.  There is still quite a bit of uncertainty how clouds might change and how this might affect climate (remember too that clouds are good absorbers of IR radiation).

Here are the answers to the take-home test-yourself handout from earlier in the day.

There was one last activity that I suggested you try.  In just a sentence or two try to say something about each of the following topics that were covered during class today.

1.   Drying moist air

      rain shadow effect

2.   Sling Psychrometer

3.   dew, frost

4.   cloud condensation nuclei

5.   cloud-in-a-bottle demonstration