ATMO/ECE 489/589 - Atmospheric Electricity
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The independent Project/Report gives each member of the class an opportunity to: (1) go beyond course material and explore, in more detail, a topic or subject that has been or will be covered in class, (2) explore a topic or subject that will not be covered in class, (3) design and construct a classroom demonstration of a phenomenon in atmospheric electricity, (4) design and construct a sensor for an atmospheric electricity measurement of some kind.

The report will give you practice writing and editing a technical paper.  You may also be asked (but not required) to give a short 10-15 minute presentation on your work to the class.  You are free to focus on any scientific or technical aspect of atmospheric electricity that you are interested in; experimental studies are particularly encouraged.

Your Project/Report can represent a significant fraction (15%) of yourfinal grade.  You should submit a title and one-page preliminary plan for your report to the course instructor by Tue., Feb. 3.  Your plan should include a statement of why you think the topic is important and at least 5 references or other sources that you plan to use in your work.  The final report should represent your best effort in technical writing, and you will be graded on the organizaation and the clarity of the English as well as the content.  Your final 8 to 10 page report (including figures and references) should be turned in no later than Thursday Apr. 16.

Be creative, and feel free to build on your own interests, but please do not report on a present or past sponsored research project.  The Project/Report should represent new and original work from this semester and should not duplicate any work that you may have done in the past.