Experiment #4 - Archimedes Law

X Kristen Belt #4 & #31
X Julie Etheridge #8 & #35
X Ryan Ewalt #1 & #20
Erik Forstell #19 & #24
X Jared Greenwald #17 & #26
X Michael Haley #18 & #29 (report due Mon., Apr. 13)
X Lauren Hostetler #15 & #38
X Neil McCahill #7 & #21
X Katie Roberts #16 & #37
X Joyce Roseberry #18 & #29
Sean Spiece #23 & #40 (report due Fri., Apr. 17)
X Jingwei Sun #3 & #22

X Emily Turczyn #23 & #40
X Benjamin Winslow #9 & #14

Experiment materials were handed out on Wed., Mar. 11

The experiment doesn't take very long to complete.  Don't wait until the last minute to collect the data.  Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.   The supplementary information sheet will show you how to use your measurements to calculate the latent heat of fusion.

Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials.

Reports are due in class on Apr. 6 (unless noted otherwise).  An X in front of your name means I received your report.