One Side of One Page (1S1P) Report Assignments and Topics

Assignment #3 (due on or before Fri., Apr. 30)
points possible
Topic #6 The Ten Most Beautiful Scientific Experiments Ever
click here
report writing guidelines
Topic #7 Eyjafjallajökull
click here or here
(you may also want to use a more up to date source)
report writing guidelines

Assignment #2 (Topic #3 due by Wed., Apr. 14, Topics #4 and #5 due by Mon., Apr. 19)
points possible
Topic #3 Write a Story of Your Own
not applicable
report writing guidelines
Topic #4 The Green Flash
Wikipedia &
report writing guidelines
Topic #5 The Nuclear Winter Scenario
report writing guidelines

You can do up to 0, 1, 2 or 3 reports as part of this assignment (remember you are only allowed to submit a total of 4 1S1P reports during the semester (not including Bonus Assignments) and can earn up to 45 pts).  Your report must be double spaced, must fit entirely on one side of one page, and should be your understanding and explanation of the material.  You can find more information on 1S1P reports on the Writing Requirements page. 

Bonus Assignment (due on or before Mon., Mar. 8))
points possible
Causes of the Seasons
causes of the seasons online notes
report writing guidelines

This bonus assignment, should you decide to do it, will not count as part of the total of 4 1S1P reports you are allowed to write during the semester.  I.e. it is an extra opportunity to earn points and make you way to the 45 maximum allowed points total.  You cannot earn more than 45 1S1P pts.  The Causes of the Seasons report should be double spaced (single spacing is allowed if the report is handwritten) and must fit on one side of one page.

Assignment #1 (Topic #2 reports are due Wed., Mar. 3, the Topic #1 reports are due Mon., Mar. 8)
points possible
#1 CFCs, ozone layer depletion,
and the ozone hole
ClassNotes (pps 18-22)
Ozone Depletion & the Ozone Hole
Ozone Hole Summary
report writing guidelines

#2 El Nino/Southern Oscillation
Wikipedia or NOAAs El Nino Page
and/or pps 135-139 in the photocopied ClassNotes
report writing guidelines

You can do up to 0, 1, or 2 reports as part of this assignment (remember you are allowed to submit 4 1S1P reports during the semester (not including Bonus Assignments) and can earn up to 45 pts).  Your report must be double spaced, must fit entirely on one side of one page, and should be your understanding and explanation of the material.  You can find more information on 1S1P reports on the Writing Requirements page. 

Bonus Assignment (due on or before Fri., Feb. 26)
points possible
Surface Weather Map Analysis
download this weather map worksheet

This bonus assignment, should you decide to do it, will not count as part of the total of 4 1S1P reports you are allowed to write during the semester.  I.e. it is an extra opportunity to earn points and make you way to the 45 maximum allowed points total.  You cannot earn more than 45 1S1P pts.

Bonus Assignment (due on or before Mon. Feb. 8*)

points possible
click here
click here for some report writing guidelines

This Bonus Report, should you decide to do it, will not count as part of the total of 4 1S1P reports you are allowed to write during the semester.  I.e. you can write this Bonus Report and 4 additional 1S1P reports to earn points and make you way to the 45 maximum allowed points total.  You cannot earn more than 45 1S1P pts.  There may be an additional Bonus Assignment or two later in the semester. 

Your report must be double spaced and must fit entirely on one side of one page.  A more complete set of rules and restrictions is given on the Writing Requirements page. 

* The Experiment #1 reports are also due on Feb. 8.