Experiment #2 - Latent Heat of Fusion of Ice

X Jesus Araujo #117
X Justin Armer #B1
X Caitlin Beall #114
X Brandon Campbell #107
X Moonsub Cho #124
Kasey Currell #139 (report due by 3/12)
X Nick DesGeorges #B1
Kameron Deuschle #107 (report due by 3/12)
X Natalie Fuchs #145
X Brittney Fulbright #116
X Jasmine Glick #109X
X Colin Greene #120
X Michael Grider #113
X Elexa Hammer #121
X Matt Hanfling #111

X Marshall Joynt #104

X Nam Gil Kang #143 (report due 3/8)
X Catherine Killough #108
X Julia King #130
X Monica Lent #103
X Tor Linzee #134
X Nicole Lucas #129
X Sarah Luke
X Matt Marin
X Jeff Martin #126
X Kelly McShane #139
X Jon Moser #B1
X Shannon Murdock #111
X Heather Peacock #110
X Adam Pina #112
X Makenzie Reitmeyer #118
X Justin Richman #128

X Aaron Sandomire #F
X Jane Sherring #148
X Leah Slovin #141
X Martin Smith #101
X Mentor Tafolli #127
X Melissa Turner #123
X Crystal Villanueva #123
X Alex Watson #106
X Jordan Werner
X Victoria Worley #125

X Kedi Xia #105

Waiting List
Michael Baranowski
Bianca Giarratano

Elle McKeon

Experiment materials were handed out for the first time on Wed., Feb. 10.

Even though the experiment doesn't take very long to complete, don't wait until the last minute to collect the data.  Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.   The supplementary information sheet will show you how to use your measurements to calculate the latent heat of fusion.  Bringing back your materials early will also make it possible for another student to get started on the experiment.

Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials.

Unless otherwise noted above reports are due in class on  Mon., Mar. 1.  The revised reports are due on or before Wed., Mar. 31.