Monday Apr. 26, 2010
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Three songs ("Get Off of My Cloud", "19th Nervous Breakdown", and
"Paint It, Black") if I remember correctly from the Rolling Stones
before class today.
The In-class Optional Assignment from last Friday was returned in
class today. Answers to
the assignment are now available online.
Here's a little review of some of what we covered last Friday.
The most common type of cloud-to-ground lightning is shown
above. The strike is initiated by a negatively charged, downward
moving stepped leader. This is followed by an upward propagating
return stroke. The figure above shows a single stroke flash.
This is a multiple stroke flash. The first return stroke is
preceded by a stepped leader. The subsequent return strokes are
preceded by downward moving negatively charged dart leaders that do not
step. The subsequent return stroke channels aren't branched.
This figure shows
both a negative cloud-to-ground strike (on the left) and a positive
stroke on the right. The positive stroke is preceded by a
downward moving positively charged leader that is followed by a very
powerful return stroke. Positive polarity flashes usually only
have one return stroke.
This is a rare type of lightning
that is initiated by an upward moving leader. A downward leader
and an upward return stroke then follow. Lightning channel
branches on a stroke like this would point upward.
Upward lightning is generally only initiated by mountains and tall
objects such as a skyscraper or a tower of some kind.
The fact that lightning could begin with an upward discharge that
begins at the ground lead scientists to develop a technique to trigger
lightning by firing a small
rocket up
toward a thunderstorm. The rocket is connected by a thin wire to
the ground. When the rocket gets 50 to 100 m above the ground
upward lightning will develop off of the top of the wire.
Scientists are able to take closeup photographs and make measurements
of lightning currents using triggered lightning. Triggered
lightning can also be used to test the operation of lightning
protection devices. A short video showing rocket triggered
lightning experiments being conducted in northern Florida was shown in
lightning strikes the
it will often melt the soil
(especially sandy soil) and leave behind a rootlike structure called a
fulgurite. A
fulgurite is just a narrow (1/2 to 1 inch across) segment of melted
sand (glass). The video showed archaeology students excavating
around the lightning triggering site after the summer's
experiments. They were able to uncover and reveal a very long
(perhaps world record length) fulgurite. A couple of
small pieces of fulgurite were passed around class.
Lightning is a serious weather hazard and kills just under 100
people every year in the United States. We discussed some
lightning safety rules that you should keep in mind during
thundery weather.
isolated objects
a lightning
You can be hurt or killed just by being close to a lightning strike
even if you're
not struck directly.
with a metal
roof and body provides good
protection from
lightning. The lightning current will travel through the metal
and around the passengers inside. The rubber tires really don't
play any role at all. The people in Florida that were
triggering lightning were inside a metal trailer and were perfectly
safe. All of the connections made to equipment outside the
trailer were done using fiber optics, there were no metal wires
or leaving the trailer.
You shouldn't use a corded phone or electrical
during a lightning storm because lightning currents can follow wires
into your home. Cordless phones and cell phones are safe.
It is also a good idea to stay away from plumbing as much as possible
(don't take a shower during a lightning storm, for example). Vent
pipes that are connected to the plumbing go up to the roof of the
house which puts them in a perfect location to be struck.
estimate the distance to a lightning strike
count the
number of
seconds between the flash of light and when you first hear the
thunder. Divide this by 5 to get the distance in miles.
For example, a delay of 15 seconds between the flash of light and
the sound of thunder would mean the discharge was 3 miles away.
The latest lightning safety recommendation is the
30/30 Rule.
The 30/30 rule
People should seek shelter if the delay between
a lightning flash and its
thunder is 30 seconds or less.
People should remain under cover until
30 minutes after the final clap
of thunder.
The material on
sprites, blue jets, and elves won't be covered on the quiz. Notes
on this material will be added in the next day or so.
pictures ( (also blue jets and elves)
sprite movie
(Univ. AK, Geophys. Inst.)
sprite research
(NM Tech)
sprite movie high
speed video (NM Tech)
sprite movie high
speed video (NM Tech)
blue jet movie
(Univ. AK, Geophys. Inst.)