Lecture Notes |
Objective Analysis in the Atmospheric and Related Sciences |
MWF 2:00 P.M.—2:50 A.M. PAS 488 |
ATMO 436a/536a, Fundamentals of Atmospheric Sciences Spring Semester 2011 |
MWF 1:00 P.M.—1:50 P.M. PAS 304 |
Week |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Friday |
Jan. 10 - Jan .14 |
First day of class
Jan. 17 - Jan. 21 |
Regional Climate Downscaling workshop NO CLASS
Motivational topics: Numerical Weather Prediction Ozone Hole
Last day to free add class (Thursday)
Jan .24 - Jan. 29 |
Motivational topics: Climate Change Atmosphere-ocean interactions |
AMS Meeting NO CLASS |
Jan. 31 - Feb. 4 |
Chemical composition of the atmosphere
SI Units of measurement
Hydrostatic equation and vertical structure of the atmosphere
Introduction to atmospheric thermodynamics
Ideal gas law
Feb. 7 - Feb. 11 |
Geopotential height and thickness
Last day to free drop course (Tuesday)
Introduction to first law of thermodynamics as applied to the dry atmosphere
Dry adiabatic lapse rate
Skew-T, ln-p thermodynamic diagram
Quantifying atmospheric moisture
Cloud in a bottle experiment
Sling psychrometer
Skew-T, ln-p diagram file (.pdf)
Make-up class 3-4p PAS 304
Feb. 14 - Feb. 18 |
Lifting condensation level
Latent heating and cooling
Consideration of latent heating in the first law and equivalent potential temperature
Chinook winds
Static stability
Conditional instability
Carnot cycle and 2nd law of thermodynamics
Clausius Clapeyron equation
Make-up class 2-3p PAS 304
Feb. 21 - Feb. 25 |
Clausius Clapeyron equation (continued)
Introduction to atmospheric radiation
Radiance and Irradiance
The solid angle
Homework #1 Due
Planck Function and Blackbody emission
Greenhouse effect
Make-up class 2-3p PAS 304 |
Feb. 28 - Mar. 4 |
Scattering and absorption of radiation
Radiation absorption
Beer’s law and optical depth
Radiative heating and Schwartzchild’s equation
Mar. 7 - Mar. 11 |
Midterm #1 Review
Last day to drop course with “W” grade
Mar. 14 - Mar. 18 |
Spring Break NO CLASS
Spring Break NO CLASS |
Spring Break NO CLASS |
Mar. 21 - Mar. 25 |
Return Midterm #1
Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry
Photochemical Smog
Stratospheric ozone and the ozone hole
Atmospheric aerosols
Make-up class 2-3p PAS 304
Mar. 28 - Apr. 1 |
Introduction to Cloud Physics
Gibbs free energy
Homogeneous nucleation
Cloud condensation nuclei
Heterogeneous nucleation
Köhler curves
Collision and coalescence
Apr. 4 - Apr. 8 |
Cold cloud processes
See previous lecture notes |
Acid rain
Introduction to dynamics
Kinematic properties of synoptic-scale flows
Pressure gradient force
Coriolis force
Geostrophic balance
Coriolis force on a merry-go-round (movie)
Make-up class 2-3p PAS 304
Apr. 11 - Apr. 15 |
Centrifugal force
Gradient balance
Cyclostrophic balance
Effect of friction
Thermal wind and baroclinicity
Midterm #2 Review
Apr. 18 - Apr. 22 |
The General Circulation
Apr. 25 - Apr. 29 |
Mid-latitude cyclone life cycle
Air mass thunderstorms
Organized convection
Supercells and tornadoes
Monsoon convection on Catalinas Movie
May 2 - May 6 |
Return Midterm #2
Course evaluations |
Final exam review sheet
Hurricane eyewall flight movie
Last day of classes
May 9 - May 13 |
FINAL EXAM Tuesday May 10 1 pm - 3pm |