Here are a couple of plots of the
frequency spectrum of lightning
The first plot is actually a
distribution of peak values in sound spectra. Interestingly the
peak in the thunder sound spectrum is below 20 Hz and is inaudible
(this is infrasound).
curve for a microphone that has been used to
record thunder. The response was flat from 0.5 Hz up to about 200
or 300 Hz.
An example of a sound spectrum
(lower right corner) that peaks in the infrasound. At upper right
the arrival times of the different frequencies in thunder.
Infrasound is the earliest arrival in the figure and contnues
throughout the discharge.
Ground-based Optical
Measurements of Lightning
Now the last topic of the day. We'll use a paper by C. Guo
and E.P. Krider ("The
Signatures Produced by Lightning Return
Strokes," J. Geophys. Res., 87, 8913-8922, 1982) as an example of
what can be learned about lightning optical emissions using a fairly
straightforward ground based sensor.
This first figure shows the sensor
(a photodiode) and its elevation angle response. The system would
see the entire lightning channel between the ground and cloud base
unless the lightning was close to the observing location.
Wavelength response for the
photodiodes used in the experiment.
Examples of recorded electric fields (E, shaded blue) and
associated optical signals (O, highlighted in yellow). This was a
four stroke cloud-to-ground discharge that occurred at 13 km
range. The first return stroke is shown at the bottom of the
figure. These waveforms were photographed on moving film.
The dark black timing marks were from an LED that would flash on and
off to code the absolute time onto the film.
We can use a measurement of the
peak optical signal amplitude, a measurement of peak irradiance, to
estimate the peak optical power output from a lightning return stroke.
We treat the lightning discharge as
a point source. The peak optical power output during the strike
will expand evenly outward into a sphere. We measure the peak
irradiance, Lp, a distance D from the source. So to estimate P we
simply multiply the measured values of Lp by the area of the sphere.
Here's a cumulative distribution of peak optical power
estimates. 50% of 1st return strokes have a peak optical power
output of about 2 x 109 Watts or
more. Peak power emitted by
subsequent strokes is almost a factor of 10 less.
We'll come back to this topic briefly at the start of class next