Experiment #3 - Solar Irradiance

X Enrique Aguayo #50
X Mohamed Al Hamiri #48
X Abdulla Alkathiri #100
X Matt Anderson #56
Charles Aragon #35
X Scott Arellano #33?
X Rachel Barghigiani #43
X Corey Barton #96
X Joel Bennett #41
X Karissa Buchanan #74

X Samantha Campas #34
X Marie Cox #65
X Fletcher Della Grotta #66
X Alec Demet #25
X Michael Eddy #62
Justin Evans #60
Antonio Figueroa #79
X Tarah Guenther #67
X Shan Harris #98
X Kelsey Laughton #95
X Kaeli Law #91
X Sandra Lee #54
X Daniel Martinez #15
X Veronica Martinez #17
Katherine Minnick #72 (report due by 4/18)
X Kirsten Nelson #22
X Lilli O'Connell #84
X Brooke Parsons #44
X Cierra Pope #23
X Mike Salcido #16
X Kylie Thomsen #94
X Michael Vo #24
X David Yaeli #9
X Alena Ybarra #18
X Jeff Zekoff #13
X Victoria Zepeda #42
X Tori Zukowski #32

Experiment materials were distributed for the first time on Wed., Mar. 2.    Here a little more information about the experiment.

The experiment doesn't take very long to complete, but it does require sunny weather without wind.  Don't wait until the last minute to collect the data you don't know what the weather will be like. 

Your thermometer might have a separated column.  If so, see these special instructions.

Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.   The supplementary information sheet will show you how to use your measurements to calculate the solar irradiance.

Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials.

Unless noted otherwise reports are due on Mon., Mar. 28.