Friday Apr. 15, 2011
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4 Songs from Basia Bulat today ("Heart of My Own", "I was a Daughter", "Run", and "December" which was my favorite)

The 1S1P El Nino reports have been graded and were returned in class today.  On your paper you'll find your report grade and the total 1S1P pts you earned so far (that total won't include any reports you've turned in that haven't been graded).  A few names have been added to the list of people that have earned 45 1S1P pts.

1S1P Assignment #3 is now online.  This will be the last big assignment of the semester.  There is also a new 1S1P Bonus Assignment that is due next Friday (Apr. 22).

And if you didn't already have enough to do, here's another Optional Assignment (due next Wednesday, Apr. 20).  There'll most likely be another optional assignment before the end of the semester.

The events leading up to the initiation of a summer air mass thunderstorm (something we looked at in detail last Wednesday) is summarized in the figure below (a much prettier version than was done in class).  I
t takes some effort and often a good part of the day before a thunderstorm forms.  The air must be lifted to just above the level of free convection.  Once air is lifted above the level of free convection it finds itself warmer and less dense that the air around it and floats upward on its own.  The is the moment at which the air mass thunderstorm begins. 

Once a thunderstorm develops it then goes through 3 stages.

In the first stage you would only find updrafts inside the cloud (that's all you need to know about this stage, you don't even need to remember its name).

Once precipitation has formed and grown to a certain size, it will begin to fall and drag air downward with it.  This is the beginning of the mature stage where you find both an updraft and a downdraft inside the cloud.  The falling precipitation will also pull in dry air from outside the thunderstorm (this is called entrainment).  Precipitation will mix with this drier air and evaporate.  The evaporation will strengthen the downdraft (the evaporation cools the air and makes it more dense).  The thunderstorm is strongest in the mature stage.  This is when the heaviest rain, strongest winds, and most of the lightning occur.

Eventually the downdraft spreads horizontally throughout the inside of the cloud and begins to interfere with the updraft.  This marks the beginning of the end for this thunderstorm. 

The downdraft eventually fills the interior of the cloud.  In this dissipating stage you would only find weak downodrafts throughout the cloud.

Note how the winds from one thunderstorm can cause a region of convergence on one side of the original storm and can lead to the development of new storms.  Preexisting winds refers to winds that were blowing before the thunderstorm formed.  Convergence between the prexisting and the thunderstorm downdraft winds creates rising air that can initiate a new thunderstorm.

The picture below shows some of the features at the base of a thunderstorm.

The cold downdraft air spilling out of a thunderstorm hits the ground and begins to move outward from underneather the thunderstorm.  The leading edge of this outward moving air is called a gust front.  You can think of it as a dust front because the gust front winds often stir up a lot of dust here in the desert southwest (see below).

The gust front in this picture (taken near Winslow, Az) is moving from the right to the left.  Visibility in the dust cloud can drop to near zero which makes this a serious hazard to automobile traffic.  Dust storms like this are sometimes called "haboobs".

The following picture shows a shelf cloud.

Warm moist air if lifted by the cold air behind the gust front which is moving from left to right in this picture.  The shelf cloud is very close to the ground, so the warm air must have been very moist because it didn't have to rise and cool much before it became saturated and a cloud formed.  Here are a couple of pretty good videos (Grand Haven, MI and Massillon, OH)

A narrow intense downdraft is called a microburst.  At the ground microburst winds will sometimes reach 100 MPH (over a limited area); most tornadoes have winds of 100 MPH or less.  Microburst winds can damage homes (especially mobile homes that aren't tied to the ground), uproot trees, and seem to blow over a line of electric power poles at some point every summer in Tucson

Microbursts are a serious threat to aircraft especially when they are close to the ground during landing or takeoff.  An inattentive pilot encountering headwinds at Point 1 might cut back on the power.  Very quickly the plane would lose the headwinds (Point 2) and then encounter tailwinds (Point 3).  The plane might lose altitude so quickly that it would crash into the ground before corrective action could be taken.  Microburst associated wind shear was largely responsible for the crash of Delta Airlines Flight 191 while landing at the Dallas Fort Worth airport on Aug. 2, 1985 (click here to watch a simulation of the final approach into the airport).
Falling rain could warn of a (wet) microburst.  In other cases, dangerous dry microburst winds might be invisible (the virga, evaporating rain, will cool the air, make the air more dense, and strengthen the downdraft winds).

A simple demonstration (on video tape) can give you an idea of what a microburst might look like.

A large plastic tank was filled with water, the water represents air in the atmosphere.  Then a colored mixture of water and glycerin, which is a little denser than water, is poured into the tank.  This represents the cold dense air in a thunderstorm downdraft.  The colored liquid sinks to the bottom of the tank and then spreads out horizontally.  In the atmosphere the cold downdraft air hits the ground and spreads out horizontally.  These are the strong winds that can reach 100 MPH.

Here's a picture of a wet microburst, a narrow intense thunderstorm downdraft and rain. 

Here are three microburst videos from YouTube.  The first video shows a microburst from some distance away.  The second video was taken in the heavy rain and strong winds under a thunderstorm in the microburst.  You'll see a power pole snapped in half by the microburst winds at about 2:26 in the video.   Here's a third video of a microburst that hit Princeton KS in July 2009.  Someone watching the storm estimated the winds were at least 90 MPH.

We had a little time left to look at some of the conditions that can lead to severe thunderstorm formation.  Severe last longer, grow bigger, and become stronger than ordinary air mass thunderstorms.

Severe storms are more likely to form when there is vertical wind shear.  Wind shear (pt 1) is changing wind direction and/or wind speed with distance.  In this case, the wind speed is increasing with increasing altitude, this is vertical wind shear.

A thunderstorm that forms in this kind of an environment will move at an average of the speeds at the top and bottom of the cloud (pt. 2).  The thunderstorm will move to the right more rapidly than the air at the ground which is where the updraft begins.  Rising air that is situated at the front bottom edge of the thunderstorm will find itself at the back edge of the storm when it reaches the top of the cloud. 

This produces a tilted updraft (pt. 3).  The downdraft is situated at the back of the ground.  The updraft is continually moving to the right and staying away from the downdraft.  The updraft and downdraft coexist and do not "get in each others way."  If you remember in air mass thunderstorms, the downdraft gets in the way of the updraft and leads to dissipation of the storm.

Sometimes the tilted updraft will begin to rotate.  A rotating updraft is called a mesocyclone (pt. 4).  Meso refers to medium size (thunderstorm size) and cyclone means winds spinning around low pressure.  Low pressure in the core of the mesocyclone creates an inward pointing pressure gradient force needed to keep the updraft winds spinning in circular path (low pressure also keeps winds spinning in a tornado). 

The cloud that extends below the cloud base and surrounds the mesocyclone is called a wall cloud (pt. 5).  The largest and strongest tornadoes will generally come from the wall cloud.  You'll see some pretty dramatic videos of wall clouds next week when we cover tornadoes.

Note (pt. 6) that a tilted updraft provides a way of keeping growing hailstones inside the cloud.  Hailstones get carried up toward the top of the cloud where they begin to fall.  But they then fall back into the strong core of the updraft and get carried back up toward the top of the cloud.