Now instead
of a single spot on the wall, students
saws lots of
points of light coming from different positions in a straight line
along the laser
beam. Each of these points of light was a particle of chalk, and
each piece of chalk dust was intercepting laser light and sending light
out in all directions. Each student saw a ray of light coming
each of the chalk particles.
We use chalk because it is white, it will scatter rather
than absorb visible light. What would you have seen if black
of soot had been dropped into the laser beam?
In the last part of the demonstration we made a cloud by
pouring some
liquid nitrogen into a cup of water. The cloud droplets are much
smaller than the chalk particles but are much more numerous. They
made very good scatterers.
The laser
light really lit up and
turned the small patches of
red. The cloud did a very good job of scattering laser light. So
much light was scattered
that the spot on the wall fluctuated in intensity (the spot dimmed when
lots of
light was being scattered, and brightened when not as much light was
Here's a comment that wasn't mentioned in
Air molecules are able
to scatter light too, just like cloud droplets. Air molecules are
much smaller than cloud droplets and don't scatter much light.
That's why you weren't able to see light being scattered by air before
put chalk particles or cloud droplets into the beam. Outdoors you
are able to see sunlight (much more intense than the laser beam used in
the class demonstration) scattered by air molecules. Sunlight is
white and is made up of violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red
light. Air molecules have an unusual property: they scatter the
shorter wavelengths (violet, blue, green) much more readily than the
longer wavelength colors in sunlight (yellow, orange, and red).
When you look away from the sun and look at the sky, the blue color
that you see are the shorter wavelengths in sunlight that are being
scattered by air molecules.
We'll come back to the topic of light scattering next week. when we
cover particulate matter and its effect on visibility.
We had enough time to just get started on the 2nd pollutant we
will cover -
sulfur dioxide. Here's some basic information from the left hand
of p. 11 in the photocopied ClassNotes.
Sulfur dioxide is produced by the
combustion of sulfur
fuels such as coal. Combustion of fuel also produces carbon
dioxide and carbon monoxide. People probably first became aware
of sulfur dioxide because it has an unpleasant smell. Carbon
dioxide and carbon monoxide are odorless. That is why sulfur
dioxide was the first pollutant people became aware of.
Volcanoes are a natural source of sulfur dioxide.
London smog is still one of the two or three deadliest air pollution
events in
Because of a subsidence inversion the atmosphere was stable
emitted into air
at ground level couldn't mix with cleaner air above.
The SO2
concentration was able to build to dangerous levels.
4000 people
died during this 4 or 5 day period.
As many as 8000 additional
people died in the following weeks and months.
of the photographs below come from articles published in 2002 on the
50th anniversary of the event.
The sulfur dioxide didn't
kill people directly.
The SO2 aggravated
an existing
condition of some kind and hastened their
The SO2 probably also made people susceptible
to bacterial
infections such as pneumonia.
link discusses the event and its health effects in more detail.
London type smog which contains sulfur dioxide and is
during the winter is very different from photochemical or Los Angeles
type smog, something we will be learning about next week. Los
Angeles type smog contains ozone and is most
common in the summer.
Some other air pollution disasters also involved high SO2
One of the deadliest events in the US occurred in
1948 in Donora, Pennsylvania.
"This eerie photograph was taken at noon on Oct.
29, 1948 in Donora, PA as deadly smog enveloped the town. 20 people
were asphyxiated and more than 7,000 became seriously ill during this
horrible event."
"When Smoke Ran Like Water," a
about air pollution is among the books that you can check out, read,
and report on to fulfill part of the writing requirements in this class
(instead of doing an experiment report). The
author, Devra Davis, lived in Donora Pennsylvania at the time of the
1948 air pollution episode.
Here's a
figure I didn't cover in class. This is an
example of a habit I have of "beating some concepts to
death." The rather
busy picture below illustrates how small changes in how
air temperature changes with increasing altitude can determine whether
the atmosphere will be stable or unstable. Just for
purposes of illustration imagine riding a bicycle north from Swan and
River Rd up the hill to Swan and Sunrise (fhe figure shows an elevation
change of 1000 ft, it is actually quite a bit less than that).
At far left the air temperature goes from 47o F to 41o
F, a drop of 6o
F. This is a
rapid rate of decrease with increasing altitude and would make the
absolutely unstable.
ground would rise, air higher up would sink, and
temperature profile would change (the rate of decrease with increasing
altitude would lessen). In some ways it would be like
trying to pour vinegar on top of oil in a glass. The lower
density oil would rise because it would "want" to float on top of the
higher density vinegar.
The next picture shows air temperature decreasing a little more slowly
with increasing altitude. This small change makes the atmosphere
conditionally unstable
(we won't go into what the conditions might
be). The
atmosphere is often in this state.
The atmosphere cools only 2o F in 1000 feet in the next
This creates
an absolutely stable
atmosphere. Air at the ground will remain at
the ground and won't rise and mix with air higher up. Compare
this with the glass containing vinegar and a layer of oil on top.
The two layers won't mix.
Air temperature in the last figure actually increases with increasing
altitude. This is a temperature
inversion and is very common on
winter mornings. The atmosphere is extremely stable under
these conditions.
Temperature inversions are something you can check out for yourself
later this semester. Head north on Swan
Rd. on your bicycle early some winter morning. You will pass
some pretty cold air as
you cross the Rillito River. By the time you get to Sunrise, the
air can be 10 to 15 degrees warmer and will seem balmy compared to the
air at the bottom of the hill. If you're up for a real
hill-climbing challenge
continue north on Swan past Skyline. You'll find a short but very
steep section of road at the far north end of Swan.