Experiment #1 - Percentage Oxygen Concentration in the Air

X Saef Alhosani #5
X Steven Amano #223
X Jerrick Ann #95
X Russell Burnham #151
X Menghao Chen #63
Tyler Christensen #45
X Jaclynn Clark #59
X Trevor Comes #39
X Emmie Contreras #19
X Roberto Contreras #111
X Adam Crompton #37

Alex D'Amico #999
X Tiffany DeBartolo #91
X Nicole DesChamps #135
X Dana Digiacinto #105

X Lindsey Edmonds #65
X Jennifer Erickson #67
X Conor Evans #113
X Paige Farrell #9
X Connor Field #71
X Ananza Gonzalez #185
X Zhikai Guo #275
X Hayley Guy #127
X Huy Ha #17
X Jiayi Hou #215
X Alex Inskeep #51
X Billy Jenkins #255

X Kimberly Kolliner #203
X Gustavo Lopez #249
X Zheshi Lu #157
X Jeremy Miller #83
X Chance Mora #7
X Bettina Norton #221
X Paige Owens #53
X Nicolina Patin #119
X Jesse Reynolds #97
X Sean Rieger #129
X Andrew Rigas #123
X Jake Rose #87

X Julian Samuels #143
X Diana Serratos #211
X Seth Stone #7
X Christian Webb #29
X Lindsay Welsh #131
X Dannie Westlake #217
X Blake Wilson #49
X Kyle Wilson #209
X David Wolfarth #39
X Peter Wrenn #99
X Ruizhi Zhao

Materials were distributed in class for the first time on Friday Jan. 13.  Click on one of the following links if you need an extra copy of the report format, the instructions for the experiment, or a data collection sheet.

Start the experiment at a time (the weekend is ideal) when you will be able to check it a few times at fairrly frequent (hourly perhaps) intervals for a few hours.  Don't wait until the last minute to start this experiment because it may take several days to run to completion.  Click on this more information link to learn more about Expt. #1.

Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.  Try to do this before the experiment report is due because the handout will help with the analysis portion of your report.  Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials. 

Reports are due in class on Monday Feb. 6.