X Bryanda
#18 X Chandler Bartlett #50 X Warren Black #66 X Jason Boesel #80 X Yamne Callejas #6 X Lauren Christopher #68 X Denise Daniels #88 David Delgado #76 Robert Drummond #22 X Sarah Engle #36 X Christopher Espinoza #12 |
Corey Galbraith #96 X Aayush Goel #100 X Mitchell Gonzalez #48 X John Grisham #44 X Monica Gutierrez #24 X Gillian Hormel #72 X M. Hutcherson #5 X Tomas Jaimez #4 X Noor Jarki #32 X Arthur Jicha #70 X Blake Kaplan #20 X M. Kaseeska #3 X K. Kolts #30 X Juliana Kosters #30 X Courtney Kramer #98 |
X E.
Largman #21 X E. Lovaas #42 X Adrian Martinez #89 X Brittney McGeough #54 Matthew Moreno #9 X K. Orlando #76 X Britney Patterson #28 X Pooria Rashidi #78 X Christian Reyes #82 X Juan Rubio #48 X Jordan Russ #42 X Lexi Salazar #98 #60,#83 (returned) |
X Tad
#94 X Marlene Sanchez #16 X Laurel Shough #38 X K. Smith #74 X Ryan Stevens #99 X Nicole Thill #80 X C. VanDeventer #13 X Olivia Vinikoor #50 Xutong Wang #36 (report due by 4/17) X Joanna Wong #62 X Tianyi Ye #52 X Hye-Jee Yu #14 |
The experiment doesn't take very long to complete, but it does require sunny weather without wind. Don't wait until the last minute to collect the data you don't know what the weather will be like. Here's a little more information about the experiment.
Your thermometer
might have a separated column. If so, see these special