Welcome to Online ATMO 170A1
The purpose of this page is to introduce you to this course and the D2L platform. It is highly recommended that you read this page carefully before you begin the actual course material.
This is an entirely online course. As an online student, you will need to be motivated and dedicated to learning the course material and keeping track of important dates. It is 100% your responsibility to submit work on time and take quizzes during the specified time interval. The course is designed for responsible, accountable students who understand that learning ultimately boils down to self-exploration.
All information regarding the course structure and student evaluation (I hope) is stated in the Content section under the module Read Me First. The entire course material is broken down into smaller units listed as Module 1, Module 2, and so on. Every module has three lectures under it. Each module has an associated Self Assessment, Quiz and sometimes an Assignment.
To access your course on D2L you must have a UA NetID and be officially enrolled in the course for at least 24 hours. Your browser and its settings must be compatible with D2L.
1. Click on the "Check that your browser is compatible" hyperlink. (That's step Number 2 in the student login instructions.)
2. Click on the UA NetID Login button on the top left side of the screen.
3. Enter your UA NetID and password--this is the same information you provide to access your UA Webmail.
4. Once you are inside click on the (+) symbol beside the Semester and Department names. Then click on the hyperlinked Course Name.
5. On the Course Home page, take a look at blue and red navigational bars along the top of your screen. Click 'Content' to get to the Syllabus, etc. for your course.
Please take time to become familiar with the 'Assignment Dropbox' feature and 'Gradebook' setup. We do have some great tutorials located at the help D2L site.
I expect every student to become proficient with D2L. It will be used to access course materials.
Students with Disabilities:
If you anticipate barriers related to the format or requirements of this course, please meet with me so that we can discuss ways to ensure your full participation in the course. If you determine that disability-related accommodations are necessary, please register with Disability Resources (621-3268; drc.arizona.edu) and notify me of your eligibility for reasonable accommodations. We can then plan how best to coordinate your accommodations.
Disability Resource Center Contact: Phone: 520-621-3268
Fax: 520-621-9423
Email: uadrc@email.arizona.edu